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This is a database of 4,046,380 chess games played online on GameKnot since 2000. Only games between players rated 1600 and above are included in this online chess games database. Unrated games, games that ended by time-out or in less than 10 moves are excluded. It can be used as a chess opening database or an opening book.
This database contains 1,673,750 chess games played by various chess players throughout the world. Only the games between players rated 2000 and above are present in this online chess games database. It can be used as a chess opening database or an opening book.
This database contains chess games played by you as White.
This database contains chess games played by you as Black.
The black bar next to each move represents the percentage of games that were won by Black, and white bar — by White, out of all games in which that particular move was played from the current position. The rating column shows the average rating of all chess players that chose that move in their games. You can click on the move to the right of the board, or in the list of the moves below the board, or by moving the pieces directly on the board. You can also switch to a different games database by moving your mouse over the name of the current database above the board.