play chess online
Chess is the game of Kings, and you'll feel like a King playing chess here on GameKnot! We have many advanced features that will make your chess games more enjoyable and easier than ever, which is why there is hardly a better place to play chess online. You don't have to be online at the same time with your opponent, so you can take your time and make your moves at your own pace. Play a friendly chess game, or compete in chess tournaments, ladder, league, etc. — we have many forms of chess competitions available. We also have a huge chess games database that should make it easier to explore chess openings and not fall into hidden traps set by your opponent. You can play many chess games at the same time (simultaneously) against players of all levels, casual or Grandmaster. Try different strategies in the opening, middlegame, or the endgame. Train with chess tactics, or solve chess puzzles — have fun and improve your chess playing skills in the process. Play chess online on GameKnot, the premier online chess battleground!
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