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Copyright © 2005 by Christoph Gerlach

Andreas Fecke - Stones

stones.jpg (35924 Byte)

The Cartoon-Book "Stones" contains more than 250 Go-Comic strips in German language (sorry), one quarter of it in colour. I invite you to take a preview on some of the strips:

Andreas Fecke - ... und MATT!

undmatt.jpg (30795 Byte)

The second Cartoon-Book "... und MATT!" from Andreas Fecke comprises 61 Chess-Comic-Strips (all b/w) in German language (sorry again). Preview:

Both books can be ordered from Christoph Gerlach. Just send me a mail with your order and the address where I should send the books. I will then confirm your order and give details how to transfer the money. The books will be sent on the next day.


Stones 10,- EUR
... und MATT! 3,- EUR
"Stones" & "... und MATT!"-Bundle 12,- EUR
Postage for Germany FREE delivery for members of the German Go Federation (DGoB).

All others:
1 "Stones" or
1 to 4 "... und MATT!" or
1 "Stones" and 1 "... und MATT!"
include 0,85 EUR in your order.

Postage for Europe, Canada, USA 1 "Stones" or
1 "Stones" and 1 "... und MATT!"
include 3 EUR in your order.

1 "... und MATT!"
include 1,50 EUR in your order.

How to pay:

Germany Send a "Verrechnungsscheck" to Christoph Gerlach, In der Steinriede 3, 30161 Hannover or

Transfer the amount to the bank-account:
Christoph Gerlach
Konto-Nr.: 2741361000
BLZ: 250 101 11 (SEB Hannover)

Europe Send cash in Euro to Christoph Gerlach, In der Steinriede 3, 30161 Hannover, Germany or

International bank transfer to
Christoph Gerlach
IBAN DE78 2501 0111 2741 3610 00

Please make sure to take over all bank charges.

Canada, USA Send cash in Euro to Christoph Gerlach, In der Steinriede 3, 30161 Hannover, Germany


I also offer both books on several Go-tournaments across Europe. Most likely at the big Tournaments in Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg and the European Championship.


WWW-Dose der Stones

Last modified: 2005-06-27