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Variation colors in ChessBase 9
01.10.2005 In the latest ChessBase Workshop, we show you how to use a little-known ChessBase 9 feature which can really make game variations come alive: color-coding individual variations. Have a look at the new column and learn how to add color to your game (or at least to your gamescores). Workshop...

GameZone reviews Fritz Deluxe
01.12.2004 The latest Fritz is out, a Deluxe version that is already getting rave reviews. "This is my first experience with Fritz, and I quickly saw why it is so popular," wrote one reviewer, who thought the online Fritz community was like a shark tank ("I mean that in a good way"). Here's his write-up in GameZone Magazine.

Bobby Fischer detained in Japan (updated)
16.07.2004 It's the latest twist in the sad tale of American former world champion Bobby Fischer. He has been detained in Japan and faces possible deportation to the US to face charges for playing in Yugoslavia in 1992. Fischer's website says he was "very nearly killed" in Japan. The story has been picked up by news services all over the world.

Computer chess in the news
14.07.2004 "Junior places less emphasis on the value of individual pieces and more on factors such as mobility and positional advantage. The approach – known as "compensation" – gives the program the ability to find very unusual and daring moves." Here's an interesting article on computer chess in a leading scientific journal.

Software of the year, five stars for Fritz
18.09.2003 Game Industry News has reviewed our program Fritz 8. Their conclusion: "Fritz earns 5 GiN Gems for being one of the most entertaining, informative and easy to use chess games on the market today." And Parenting Magazine has chosen Fritz & Chesster as a winner of the magazine’s prestigious “Software of the Year” awards. More...

Chess 'toon fun a cool combination
25.06.2003 "In a world of violent video games there must be a place for children and their parents to interact and actually learn something," says this Washington Times review. Fritz and Chesster will "turn junior into a grandmaster before mom and dad can say Svetozar Gligoric."

Yet more rave reviews
19.06.2003 After USA Today gave it a resounding five stars (of five), now Cablevision's Power to Learn reviewer Diane S. Kendall calls Fritz and Chesster "one of the best of its kind I've seen in years". And Discovery.com gives it 9.2 out of 10 and a 5½ star rating. "Making the game of chess child's play is not entirely easy, but this new game succeeds admirably".

Chess is child's play
11.06.2003 That's what USA Today thinks, after looking at our children's chess teaching software Fritz and Chesster. "This software has an amazing amount of depth and is presented in a progressive manner," writes USA Today reviewer Jinny Gudmundsen, who gives the package five stars (out of five). Here's the report.

It's raining awards and prizes!
04.06.2003 Our top programs are doing pretty well out there in the media scene. Europe's biggest computer magazine gave Fritz 8 the top place for board game software (Shredder 7 came in second), and the Bologna Children's Book Fair gave Fritz & Chesster the top children's media prize. More...

Fritz and Chesster get an A
01.05.2003 Of course we are proud when ChessBase super-programs like Fritz and Junior bash Kramnik and Kasparov. And we're proud that just about every GM in the world uses ChessBase every day, as do thousands of other chess fans. But we're REALLY happy with our new Fritz and Chesster program that teaches chess to kids. And so was a Houston Chronicle writer, as you will see here.

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Fritz 9

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