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Petterson's Drawbridge - an important ending

© Copyright 1999, Jim Loy
You may print this and show it to others. But, this article will eventually be part of a book that I am writing. So, please do not distribute it widely.

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In diagram #1 (a position by F. Drinkwater, in which R. Petterson showed the draw), White has some troubles. Because of Red's bridge, the two pieces on 1 and 3, the only way to king a piece is to place a piece at 10 and to king on 2. It is fairly easy to place a piece on 10:

30-25 19-23 25-22 23-26 22-17 14-18 17-14 26-30 14-10. The first step is accomplished. Kinging the piece is also fairly easy: 30-26 9-6(A) 26-22 6-2 18-23 [diagram #2].

Now watch what White does to draw: 2-7 23-27 7-2 27-32 2-7 32-27 7-2 27-23 2-7 23-19 7-2 22-18 (A position by J. Bradley) 2-7. White could have tried to king the piece on 20, but he did not, as that would have led to disaster.

Players normally stop somewhere around here and agree to a draw. Especially in mail play, this ending is easy. But there are still traps for White to avoid. So, Red should probably continue. To try to win, Red must break up his bridge. The following (apparently by J. Bradley) is from Boland's Famous Positions: 1-5 7-2 19-15! (18-15 10-6) 2-6*(B) 5-9 6-13 15-6 20-16 18-22 (18-14 13-17* 14-18 17-13 draw or 6-10 13-17* 10-6 17-13 draw) 16-12 6-10(C) 21-17 (Bradley apparently gave 13-9 to a more difficult draw) 3-7 12-8 7-11 8-3 11-15 3-8 15-18 8-11 18-23 11-16 23-26 16-19 26-30 19-23 22-26 (30-25 23-26 22-31 17-14 draw) 17-14 draw H. McKean.

A - 21-17? (loses) 26-23 9-6 18-22 6-2 22-26 2-7 26-31 17-13 31-26 7-2 (13-9 23-18 9-6 18-15 RW) 26-22 2-7 (13-9 22-18 RW) 22-18 7-2 18-14 RW. Perhaps that is PP.

B - 10-6? 5-9 6-1 3-7 2-11 15-8 20-16 9-13 1-5 18-15 16-12 8-11 5-9 15-18 9-5 18-14 RW First Position.

C - 22-18 21-17* 6-1 13-9 18-15 17-14 1-5 9-6 15-11 6-10 5-1 14-9 11-7 10-14 7-2 9-5 draw. J. Bradley?

Tom Sheehan sent me the following interesting email, at the urging of Brian Hinkle:

Dec. 11, 1999

Jim, Here's the game. As you'll see, at Note E, 10-14 may or may not draw. It would be a plus if you appended your analysis of 10 14 to Note E. Much thanks, Tom Sheehan Woods Ladder (Jan. 30, 1999) Black: Tom Sheehan White: Nigel Proffitt Opening: The Inferno 9-13, 22-18, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 11-15, 22-18, 15-22, 26-10, 7-14 (A), 29-25, 6-10, 31-26 (B), 1-5, 25-22, 8-11, 24-20, 3-7, 28-24, 4-8, 24-19, 11-15, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 15-19 (C), 22-18 (D), 14-23, 27-18, 8-12* (E), 18-14 , 10-17, 21-14, 2-6, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 6-9 (F), 14-10, 9-14 , 11-7, 14-17, 7-2, 17-22, 26-17, 13-22, 2-7, 19-23, 10-6, 22-26, 6-2, 5-9, 2-6, 9-13, 6-10, 26-31, 7-11, 31-26, and, as Brian Hinkle pointed out, "Petterson's Drawbridge saves the game and probably the entire opening. 122 years later, the above game highlights the only known 3-move line that forces the use of Petterson's masterpiece."

(A) In Cayton's Compilation in 1997, this 7-14 jump was rated a loss and the other 6-15 jump was considered correct, but it appears now that the reverse is true!

(B) 25 22, 3-7, 31 26, 8-11, 24-20, 4-8, 28-24, 1-5 goes back into the trunk

(C) 14-18 loses

(D) In a Woods Ladder match against me in 1997, Nigel Proffitt tried 27-23, 8-11, 16-12, 19-24, 12-8, 24-27, 8-3, 27-31, 23-18, 14-23, 26-19, 11-15, 19-16, 5-9 Draw.

(E) The only move to draw. 10-14? loses, although preferred by Gil Dodgen's computer program, WCC, after looking at almost 530 million positions ( 27-38 plies). Will other checker programs find 8*12 ?

(F) At this point, I saw Petterson's Drawbridge coming up.

* * *
It amazes me that all of our standard positions were discovered eons before anyone even heard of the word "computer." Although there are many examples of Petterson's masterpiece, there is little biographical info on R.D. Petterson himself. I found few sources. Boland's "Famous Positions," page 118, shows the genesis of the problem: "The above position (Diagram No. 1) arose from F.W. Drinkwater's analysis on a Souter game between R. Martins and J. Wyllie, 1847. The play ran into Position 546, Lyman's problem Book, 1881, which had just been published. At a point in the discussion (see above game), Mr. Petterson asked to have the position reset, saying he thought he could draw it, which he did. The players thought so much of it that they called it 'Petterson's Drawbridge.' It may now be found as No. 1025 in W. J. Wray's Bridge Section of Gould's Problem Book."

On page 146, Note E, in Boland's Bridges, Ben wrote: "To here by R.D. Petterson, No. 1825 Glasgow Weekly Herald, July 13, 1895...Petterson first observed the position in 1881 to correct No. 546 by F.W. Drinkwater in Lyman's Problem Book, 1881 (and No. 151 Gould's 1884)."

Same page, Note F, Ben continued: "Petterson played in and out of 2 6, to correct Drinkwater, who played 20 16?, 23 26, 16 12, 26 30, 2 7, 30 26. Black wins. No. 293 Fife News, Scotland, Jan. 20, 1877. Petterson was the first to mention the 'Bridge,' and that men on 20 and 21 are necessary for the draw (and) must not be advanced until Black has made an exchange."
* * *

PS: Jim, if you have any bio on Petterson, please include it. Much thanks for adding the above to your site.

(Tom Sheehan)

Here are a few games which ended in Petterson's Drawbridge:

Vestal-Rex, 1973 I-D
9-13 24-19 10-14 22-18 6-10 18-9 5-14 25-22 11-15 28-24 7-11 22-17 13-22 26-17 11-16? 23-18 14-23 27-11 16-23 31-27 8-15 27-11 3-8 11-7 2-11 17-14 10-17 21-14 1-6 29-25 12-16 24-20? 16-19 25-22 19-23 22-17 11-16 20-11 8-15 14-10 6-9 10-7 9-13 17-14 4-8 7-3 8-12 draw.

Thompson-Lloyd (in Churchill's Compilations)
10-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 12-16 32-27 16-20 26-23 11-15 18-11 8-15 30-26 6-10 22-18 15-22 25-18 10-14* 29-25 4-8 25-22 7-10 24-19 8-12 22-17 9-13 18-9 13-22 26-17 5-14 31-26 2-7 19-15 10-19 23-16 12-19 17-10 7-14 27-23 20-24 23-16 24-27 26-22 27-31 16-11 31-26 22-17 14-18 17-14 26-23 28-24 18-22 14-10 23-18 11-7 22-26 24-20 26-31 7-2 31-26 2-7 26-23 7-2 23-19 draw.

Churchill's correction of analysis in Elam's Checker Board.
9-14 24-20 5-9 22-18 10-15 28-24 15-22 26-10 6-15 21-17 9-14 17-10 7-14 25-22 3-7 29-25 1-5 23-19 15-18 22-15 11-18 19-15 8-11 15-8 4-11 24-19 11-16 20-11 7-23 31-26 14-17 26-19 17-22 27-23 18-27 25-18 27-31 18-14 2-6 19-15 6-9 14-10 9-14 10-7 14-18 7-2 18-23 2-7 (called a WW in ECB, p. 4223, game #92C) 5-9 7-10 9-13 10-14 draw.

The following four games are in Boland's Famous Positions. The first is by F. W. Drinkwater, in Lyman's Problem Book, where the position is given as a Red win:

F. W. Drinkwater, Lyman's Problem Book
11-15 23-19 9-14 22-17 6-9 17-13 2-6 25-22 8-11 27-23 14-18 23-14 9-25 29-22 4-8 26-23 15-18 22-15 11-27 32-23 8-11 31-26 5-9 26-22 9-14 22-17 11-15 24-20 15-24 28-19 10-15 19-10 6-15 17-10 7-14 13-9 15-19 23-16 12-19 draws.

A. J. Heffner, Kear's Encyclopedia, 3rd ed.
10-14 22-17 7-10 17-13 3-7 25-22 14-17 21-14 9-25 29-22 11-15 24-20 7-11 23-18 5-9 26-23 1-5 28-24 9-14 18-9 5-14 23-18 14-23 27-18 12-16 31-27 15-19 24-15 10-19 22-17 19-24 27-23 24-27 18-15 11-18 23-14 27-31 20-11 8-15 14-10 6-9 13-6 2-9 10-7 9-13 17-14 15-18 14-9 4-8 7-3 8-12 3-7 18-23 7-11 31-26 draws.

H. Moulding - T. J. O'Grady, 1927 2nd International Match
10-14 24-19 6-10 22-17 9-13 28-24 13-22 25-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 26-22 7-11 23-18 14-23 27-18 11-16 18-11 8-15 31-27 16-23 27-11 3-8 11-7 2-11 22-17 12-16 24-20 16-19 17-14 10-17 21-14 1-6 25-22 19-23 22-17 11-16 20-11 8-15 14-10 6-9 10-7 9-13 17-14 15-18 14-10 4-8 7-3 8-12 3-7 18-22 10-6 22-26 and Moulding lost.

J. K. Lyons, Kear's Encyclopedia, 3rd ed.
12-16 24-20 8-12 28-24 9-14 22-17 3-8 25-22 16-19 24-15 11-25 29-22 8-11 17-13 11-16 20-11 7-16 23-19 16-23 26-19 2-7 27-23 14-17 21-14 10-26 31-22 7-11 22-17 4-8 23-18 11-16 17-14 16-23 14-9 5-14 18-2 8-11 13-9 1-5 9-6 11-16 2-7 16-19 7-11 19-24 11-15 24-27 15-10 5-9 6-2 9-13 2-7 27-31 7-11 31-27 draws.

More games:

Colossus - Checkers, 1994? Derek Oldbury Memorial (Freestyle)
11-15 23-19 8-11 22-17 9-13 17-14 10x17 19x10 7x14 25-22 4-8 27-23 11-16 29-25 2-7 22-18 6-10 18x9 5x14 24-20 16-19 23x16 12x19 26-22 17x26 30x16 14-18 31-26 13-17 21x14 10x17 16-11 8x15 25-21 18-23 26x10 7x14 20-16 17-22 28-24 22-26 24-19 14-18 19-15 26-30 32-28 30-26 15-10 18-23 16-11 26-22 11-7 23-27 7-2 27-32 2-6 32-27 6-2 27-23 28-24 23-27 24-20 27-23 2-7 22-18 7-11 23-27 11-7 27-31 7-2 31-26 2-7 26-22 7-2 18-23 2-7 23-27 7-2 27-24 2-7 22-18 Draw.

A game sent to me by Brian Hinkle:
1. 11-15 24-19 2. 15x24 28x19 3. 8-11 22-18 4. 11-16 18-14 5. 9x18 23x14 6. 10x17 21x14 7. 16x23 27x18 8. 4-8 26-23 9. 12-16 31-27 10. 6-10 25-21 11. 10x17 21x14 12. 2-6 29-25 13. 16-19 23x16 14. 6-10 25-21 15. 10x17 21x14 16. 7-11 16x7 17. 3x17 18-15 18. 1-6 27-24 19. 5-9 24-20 20. 9-14 20-16 21. 8-12 16-11 22. 14-18 11-7 23. 6-9 7-3 24. 18-23 15-11 25. 17-22 11-7 26. 22-26 7-2 27. 26-31 3-8 28. 9-13 draw.

A game from Elam's Checker Board, Feb. 1947:
9-13 22-18 6-9 18-14 10-17 21-14 9-18 23-14 12-16 26-22 11-15 24-20 7-11 31-26 16-19 27-23 1-6 23-7 3-17 25-21 6-9 21-14 9-25 29-22 8-11 26-23 4-8 28-24 2-7 23-19 15-18 22-15 11-18 19-16 8-12 16-11 7-16 20-11 18-23 11-8 13-17 8-4 17-22 24-19 22-26 19-15 26-31 15-10 5-9 10-6 9-13 draws.

C. Barker - H. Henderson, Kear's Ency., p.306, v.10
10-14 24-19 6-10 22-17 9-13 28-24 13-22 25-9 5-14 26-22 11-15 29-25 7-11 23-18 14-23 27-18 11-16 18-11 16-23 31-27 8-15 27-11 3-8 11-7 2-11 21-17 11-15 25-21 1-6 24-20 15-18 22-15 10-19 17-14 19-23 21-17 12-16 20-11 8-15 14-10 6-9 10-7 9-13 17-14 4-8 7-3 8-12 3-7 15-18 draw.

J. Childers, 1968 US Nat., p.26, v.2, note C
9-13 24-19 6-9 22-18 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19 4-8 25-22 8-11 22-18 9-14 18-9 5-14 29-25 11-15 25-22 15-24 27-20 10-15 31-27 15-19 23-16 12-19 20-16 7-11 16-7 2-11 27-23 19-24 23-18 14-23 16-19 1-6 22-18 6-10 18-14 10-17 21-14 3-8 14-9 8-12 9-6 11-16 19-15 16-19 6-2 19-23 2-7 24-27 7-11 27-31 15-10 draw.

K. Wold - J. Dragoo, 1984 US Nat., p.1, v.1
9-13 21-17 5-9 25-21 9-14 22-18 13-22 18-9 6-13 26-17 13-22 30-26 11-15 26-17 8-11 29-25 11-16 24-19 15-24 28-19 4-8 17-14 10-17 21-14 8-11 25-21 2-6 27-24 11-15 19-10 6-15 24-20 16-19 23-16 12-19 20-16 19-23 31-27 23-26 27-24 26-31 24-20 31-26 16-11 7-16 20-11 26-22 14-10 15-19 11-7 19-23 32-28 23-27 7-2 27-31 28-24 31-27 24-20 27-23 2-7 23-19 7-2 22-18 2-7 draw

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