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ICC Java Interfaces

When you play on the ICC, you need to run software (called a client or interface) on your computer to connect, display a chess board, chat, and let you make moves using the mouse. We recommend that you download and install the client designed specifically for your operating system from the list on the left. Playing through Java, which is supported on a wide variety of platforms, is also possible. There are two kinds of Java interfaces: applets and applications.

Java Applets

Java applets are different from the other interfaces in that they are run directly from your browser. Use a java applet if you just want a quick game without installing anything.

Jin Applet: a full-featured interface with no installation needed

Jin Applet by Alexander Maryanovsky is by far the fanciest of the applet interfaces, and is similar to our Windows interface BlitzIn in its appearance and capabilities. You can customize the font, chessboard and so forth, and it will save your preferences on the central server, so that wherever you go, be it an Internet Cafe, a public library or a friend's house, your preferences go with you. You can also download and install Jin as a Java application, see below.

CoffeeHouse: our original Java interface

CoffeeHouse is an advanced java interface that can be used to access the ICC. If you have a suitable browser, CoffeeHouse is easy to use, requires no installation, and allows you to access nearly all of ICC's features.

SimpleChess: play instantly as a guest

SimpleChess just logs you into the ICC as a guest and starts a game immediately with another guest. The time control is set at 10 minutes per person. You can chat with your opponent.

EasyChess: the introductory Java interface

EasyChess is intended to demonstrate only the most basic features of ICC. EasyChess is extremely easy to use, requires no installation, and should enable you to start to play instantly. However, you will not be able to access the more advanced features of ICC.

Java Applications

Java applications are downloaded and installed like any other program. They are a good option if you can't use a regular client or want to use the same client on more than one operating system.


Jin screen shotJin by Alexander Maryanovsky is a full-featured Java application interface for ICC.

Note: In order to run Jin you need a Java Runtime Environment. If you do not already have it installed, you may obtain it from one of the following sources:

ChessViewer Utility for Webmasters

ChessViewer is not an interface to ICC but rather a Java utility for putting chess games onto web pages.


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