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ChessWise Free Course: How to Play Chess
For years ChessWise has had a free "How to Play Chess" course, and now we've updated and expanded our lessons, including a two-part final exam. What makes this course special is the Chess Java Boards which lets the players pick up the piece and move them as directed. It's much more effective than simply reading the rules.

To take this course, simply register for free with ChessWise (and you'll be able to track the lessons in your homeroom -- which is also called "My ChessWise").

The lessons in this course include:

1: Course Requirements
2: Introduction and Objectives
3: The Chess Board
4: Chess Notation and Starting Position
5: Review Games
5: Bishops
6: Rooks
7: Queen
8: King
9: Knights
10: Pawns
11: Checkmates
12: Draws
13: The Value of Pieces
14: PGN Format
15: Self Practice
16: Practice Activity
17: Review Games
18: Self Practice
19: Lesson 1 Exam: Section 1
20: Lesson 1 Exam: Section 2

We want to keep improving this course, so please feel free to email suggestions to Scott.

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