Advanced Puzzle 4

White to play and win in 7 moves.        Scroll down for the answer.




1 Rc7+ Kh8       1... Kf8 loses to 2. Rc8+ Rxc8; 3.bxc8/Q+ Kg7; 4.Qg8++ or 3...Ke7; 4. Bg5++
2 Bh6 a1/Q+
3 Kg2 Rg3+      ...Rg3+ is the only way to survive another move
4 hxg3 Qh1+      ...Qh1+ is the only way to survive another move
5 Kxh1 Rg8
6 b8/Q fxg4         Black can't do anything about the attack
7 Bg7++ Mate

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