Tim Mann's Chess Pages


Bughouse (aka Siamese or Transfer chess) is a fun chess variant that involves two boards placed side by side, two sets, four players, and two clocks. The players sitting side by side are partners and play opposite colors. When you capture a piece, you give it to your partner. When it's your turn, you can either move one of your onboard pieces, or drop one of your offboard pieces on an empty square. Your team loses if you get checkmated or run out of time. Games are wild and woolly!

Both FICS and ICC support bughouse now, and XBoard/WinBoard has simple but effective support for it. For best results with XBoard and WinBoard, start a second copy of the program and log in as a guest to observe your partner's games. To observe them automatically, use the ICS follow command. Alternatively, you can turn on Auto Observe in the program's Options menu and put your partner on your ICS gnotify list.

Here are some Web pages with bughouse information:

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