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headlines for february 2007

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news topic classification is flexible - the world is seamless
orange dates indicate news items from the last seven days
articles listed in heavy text / short items listed in light text
news-lite carbon capture enzyme process claimed
previous news headlines label 2007 X XI XII
2006 X XI XII
for previous years




news-lite emissions and aircraft
news-lite another step to ray guns
ecology energy hog gore - democrat hypocrisy on conspicuous display
ecology black is the new green
ecology “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, gang aft agley”
ecology update 7: anthropomorphic global warming, and ocean acidity
ecology global dimming : new section in global warming briefing document
ecology increasing ecological problems threaten chinese economy and food supplies
ecology highly dishonest ‘report’ on global warming from the fossil media national post of canada
ecology update 3: ocean acidity, anthropomorphic global warming
ecology update 2: on paleoclimate and milankovitch cycles, anthropomorphic global warming
ecology updated: february 2007 UN report - links and quote, anthropomorphic global warming
behaviour and intelligence an upsidedown world - twisted logic for fitting the real world to left-wing dogmas
behaviour and intelligence new: how to teach a child to read using phonics
behaviour and intelligence polling america on presidents and iraq - t.a.s
behaviour and intelligence don’t praise kids for being clever Four GoldenYak award
behaviour and intelligence snake-eaters, private enterprise helping to deal with murderous atavists in iraq - t.a.s.
politics increasingly irrelevant old europe goes to war
politics iraqi sunnis speak up - t.a.s
politics the french presidential elections - on the left...
politics it is all the fault of george bush and israel! - t.a.s
politics widespread interference by us government in climate researchers work alleged
politics iraqis take control of half of al-anbar - t.a.s
politics democratic party leadership attempt to stop senate debate failed - t.a.s
politics the difference between slimy irresponsible lying democrats and a real leader - t.a.s
politics just how bad will it get? plenty soothing words, but do you think they will reach the targets?
politics seedy socialist britain - two reports Three GoldenYak award
politics 100 iranian smoking guns - t.a.s
politics iran is already at war with iraq and the coalition of the willing - t.a.s
politics more and more words from the squirming us lefties - a lesson in dishonest politicians
politics bush administration talking sense on agw [anthropegenic global warming]
politics oil industry offering $10,000 for items rubbishing ipcc global warming reports
alternative energies new: energy pricing and greenwash
alternative energies using carbon trading to ease the third world into efficient and clean energy usage
alternative energies bush administration subsidising ethanol - bush administration promoting hydrogen - bush is a watermelon
alternative energies hydrogen economy problems Four GoldenYak awerd - t.a.s.
only when it’s pretty 28: bird portraits - t.a.s
only when it’s pretty 27: creepy crawlies - t.a.s
only when it’s pretty 26: consider the lilies of the field - t.a.s
useless facts french cats - t.a.s
useless facts terra ‘firma’ indeed!
useless facts

come up and see my etchings, darlin’!

useless facts mountains
fun marauding gangs of chavs, kerb crawlers - fines? shoot them?
fun tony chocolonely sues himself - and he could well win
fun furry babies - xavier
fun is your child’s dna activated?
france update: mardi gras, with pictures
france départements:
web technology zone at abelard.org how to add phonetic symbols to a webpage - t.a.s
update to a phonetics chart for british english
science and technology the economics and practicality of hybrid vehicles
book and other reviews in our hands - background reading for a citizens wage Four GoldenYak award
briefings a phonetics chart for british english This document includes .mp3 sound files - t.a.s
briefings the changing face of the earth over time
(tectonic plates)

update 6: butterfly wings, anthropomorphic global warming

briefings update 5: milankovitch cycles, anthropomorphic global warming
briefings update 4: on paleoclimate, anthropomorphic global warming
briefings new: oppression, poverty and life expectancy - t.a.s.
briefings beta release: anthropogenic global warming
economics opting out of the euro currency
news flash 2007 heritage index of economic freedoms just out
For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for january 2007 page

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v.3.1 (01.01.2006)

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