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About BK Chess

Grandmaster Lessons!

Hello, and thanks for visiting my website, www.bkchess.com!  BK Chess was borne of a few things.  One is, I am an absolute chess nut, and this business helps me finance my habit!  More importantly, though, my wife and I have three beautiful daughters whom we love very much!  I wanted to find a way to make some extra money on the side to help pay for their education (private schools and college), as well as future weddings!  Also, our current home only has one bathroom, which isn't a big problem right now because the youngest two are still in diapers.  But any one who has taken 1st Grade Math knows that 4 women + 1 Bathroom= TROUBLE!!!   So, this business is also helping to finance the purchase of a new home with more bathrooms within the next year!

      A little bit about me, 'BK'-- I learned to play chess when I was 4, and was able to beat my Dad by the time I was 7.  I'm what you would call a 'Grand Patzer', 1800-something. I have a computer account on ICC (www.chessclub.com) under the handle name BK-Chess-- log on and take a shot at beating it!  It usually runs Gandalf 4.32h or Deep Shredder on an AMD K6-2 500mhz w/ 128mb RAM.

       I work full time in Pharmaceutical Sales and part time as a Paramedic in addition to running this business.  My wife is a STAY AT HOME MOM!!!  This is something that we are both very proud of, and a decision we made and planned for a long time ago.  There is no better luxury we can provide for our children than to have a parent at home caring for them and being there whenever they need them!  Check out the latest in the work/family debate-- The more hours toddlers spend in daycare, the more likely they are to turn out aggressive, disobedient and defiant by the time they are in kindergarten, according to the largest and most authoratative study of child care and development ever conducted.          Click here for more info!

      I also support the Pro-Life Cause by sponsoring Pro-Life websites, increasing their visibility on search engines so that women faced with a crisis pregnancy can be presented with Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Information, and truly know ALL of their options when they are searching on keywords related to abortion.  If you would like more information on what I do or how you can help, you can e-mail me at prolife@bkchess.comYou will receive an auto response, but I will get back to you personally with more information.

BK's Lovely Family:

The Love Birds!

Daddy's Pumpkins! (10/2000--  5 years, 1 year 4 mos and 2 months of age)

Daddy's Pumpkins (10/2001-- 6 years, 2 years and 1 year old)

I love you, Sis!

The latest edition to the BK Chess family!!! Laila, the Boxer with the two youngest of the clan!

Unique visitors since BK Chess opened 10/19/00

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