A Sewer Becomes
a Water Park
floating botanical
gardens that are
helping restore ecological health.
Alan Rabinowitz started the first ever jaguar preserve.Alexandra Cousteau was honored as an Earth Trustee by the UN in 2007 for her work to protect the oceans.Australian Aborigines
Protecting Wetlands

The native people of Northern Australia work with nature and their own culture to conserve the environment around them.
Barry Commoner works to protect the environment and raise awareness about the danger of radio activity.Ben Redclay was an earthkeeper whose legacy lives on through his daughter.Beth Rickard
is an advocate of solar as the energy of the future.
Bill Roley taught children in a Mexican orphanage how to work the land.
CCAT - CAMPUS CENTER FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY at Humboldt State University.Chico Mendes was a father who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defending rainforests.Chief Oren Lyons is an internationally venerated advocate for preserving biodiversity.CTxGrEn
Ramani Sankaranarayanan
and Geeta Vaidyanathan
show remote villagers how to turn native materials into fuel for water and electricity.
David Nathan Chain was killed during a nonviolent protest to save the redwoods.Deland Chan
started an environmental group
at the YMCA in New
York City.
Dennis Weaver is an actor and advocate for ecologically sustainable living.Dian Fossey worked to protect the endangered Mountain Gorilla.
Dr. E.O. Wilson studies the impact that human activity has on the planet.Dr. Elvia Niebla
Soil Scientist
is dedicated to soil conservation.
Dr. Richard Murphy
Marine Biologist
educates others about the sea and ways to protect the oceans for the future.
Dr. Robert Ballard
and the JASON project
bring scientific exploration to children around the world.
Dr. Shirley McGreal founded the International Primate Protection League.Dr. Vandana Shiva
works to preserve
biodiversity for the
Envirofit retrofits engines to reduce pollution and enhance energy efficiency in developing countries.Film Festival 2006
My Trip to Catalina Island
Produced by Slater Jewell-Kemker

Slater, a young environmental and peace activist, meets her hero, Jean-Michel Cousteau.
Fin Donnelly works to keep our rivers and waters clean.Frances Moore Lappe works to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger.Friends of Nature:
Mr. Liang Congjie

is a voice for China's
Friends of the Sea Lion rescue, treat, and release these mammals back into the ocean.
George Schaller is a world-renowned naturalist.Gerald Durrell established the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust for endangered species.Greenpeace works globally to save the environmentHeather DeWitt
is a devoted
Jack Johnson is a musician who encourages kids to take care of the environment.Jack Sim has started a worldwide campaign for clean public toilets and better sanitation standards.Jacques Cousteau
invented the Aqua-Lung, a predecessor to the SCUBA systems used by divers worldwide today.
Jane Goodall is an authority on wild chimpanzees.
Jean-Michel Cousteau is committed to protecting the ocean for future generations.Jody Williams is a human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner who began a campaign to rid the world of landmines.John McConnell founded Earth Day (March 20) and continues his fight for environmental education and awareness.John Muir advocated preservation, feeling that natural areas promote mental health.
Joseph Ki-Zerbo
works to help
Africans retain
control of their
country's agriculture.
Julia Hill brought public attention to deforestation in California.Kory Johnson
was honored with
the Goldman Environmental
Prize in 1998.
Laurie David is passionately committed to stopping global warming.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas worked tirelessly to preserve the Everglades.Mia Siscawati teaches people to protect their environment.Mrs. Mei Ng:
Friends of the Earth
(Hong Kong)
uses education to foster environmental awareness in China
Ocean Robbins helps organize young people committed to protecting the planet.
Prigi Arisandi works to educate people on the importance of protecting the rivers of IndonesiaRachel Carson was the mother of the environmental movement.Reef Ball Foundation restores damaged coral reef systems around the world.Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an eco-warrior defending the earth for future generations.
Robert Redford established the Sundance Film Festival as a platform to effect change in the world.Roxanne Kremer works with the Mestizo Indians of the Peruvian rainforest to save pink dolphins. Ryan Hreljac
helps build wells
for clean water
in Africa.
Saint Francis of Assisi was a true example of harmonious existence on Earth
Sandra Postel believes in the importance of water conservation.Stanislav Petrov averted nuclear disaster, yet remains unknown to most.SUJANA cleans roads in Indonesia to help the environment.Suryo Wardhoyo Prawiroatmodjo educates people in Indonesia to protect the environment.
Sylvia Earle is a marine biologist and ambassador of the oceans.The Kaa-Iya
del Gran Chaco
National Park
is the
only park in the
Americas established
and run by indigenous peoples.
Theodore Roosevelt worked tirelessly to protect wildlife and the environment.Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, a non-profit organization that plants trees to help restore the desolate ecosystem in Africa.
Wes Jackson was a professor who returned to the land to advance sustainable agriculture practices.William McDonough designs buildings for ecological sustainability.YouthCaN is a youth-
run organization
promoting environmental awareness through technology.