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by Chessplayers, for Chessplayers!

We want to be the most indispensable, first-stop
chess site for all the chess players on the Internet.

"It's generally - but erroneously - assumed that the best teachers are the best players, and that the best players can easily communicate the secrets of the game.  Actually, the best teachers are often just interested amateurs."  - GM Andrew Soltis

While Masters, IMs, and GMs may have the fancy titles, high ratings, fame, and the greatest respect of the chess world at large, it is the “chess proletariat” which overwhelmingly comprises the largest percentage of the chess information consumer demographic.  That is why Chessville has been created by and for the aspiring chess amateur.

We at Chessville firmly believe that titled players, while clearly achieving high levels of chess ability, do not necessarily make the best chess teachers, although some titled players certainly are good teachers.  That is why our primary contributors (of instructional materials, advice, game analysis and annotation, book reviews, etc.) are experienced and reflective amateurs.  We believe that such players understand the game more than sufficiently to provide instruction to the “average” chess player.  More importantly, they better understand what it is that the typical chess amateur wants and needs, and can communicate the relevant information as well or better than most GMs.  We at Chessville make no claim to authority, nor do we attempt to rest on the laurels of official titles or ratings.  Rather, we intend our instruction and information to stand on its own merits.

We are also devoted to providing instruction at a variety of levels, from explaining basic rules to the total beginner, to teaching higher-level chess theory and offering playing- and study-advice to the more advanced player.  It is also our aim to create, over time, a comprehensive chess-information resource, including one of the largest and best-organized collections of chess-related web links, an ever-growing collection of chess games for use in your database, and an attractive and easy-to-use discussion forum in which chess players of all types and levels may ask questions and share information.

We sincerely hope that you will find our site useful and enjoyable.

Sincerely, The Chessville Team

Address correspondence to:

PO Box 2115
Walla Walla, WA  99362

...or, click on the email links below each person's picture:

David Surratt

David is one of the original founders of Chessville, and serves as Mayor of the Chessville community.  (Chief cook & bottle washer.)  Also responsible for weekly production of The Chessville Weekly newsletter.

Kelly Atkins
Senior Editor
& Forum Host

Kelly is one of Chessville's co-founders, and currently serves as our Senior Editor.  He also monitors the Chessville Forum, greeting newcomers, seeing that questions get answered, keeping things civil, deleting spam & enforcing the Forum policies.

Phil Innes
Business Manager

Phil serves as Chessville's Business Manager and Project Development Coordinator.  He also writes editorial and news reports for us.


Pablo Sierra
Pablo's News Editor

Pablo's Chess News reports on major chess events from all over the world.  He usually provides schedules, pairings, results and standings, as well as links to official sites, live coverage sites, special Chessville coverage, and even free pgn games downloads.  Pablo began reporting to the world chess community on chess events long before Chessville was founded, on his own site, and he's been with Chessville since our inception.  Pablo also serves as webmaster for the official Peter Svidler website.

Gary Gifford
Problem Master

POW for The Chessville Weekly (TCW) & tactical training.  Weekly prepares a tactical problem for the Problem of the Week (Tactical Training) target audience: approximately 1300-1900.  Also prepares a supply of positions for the TCW Position of the Week section.  Also acts as editor for the overall problem / composition / tactical training material at Chessville, including Chessprints, Peter's Problem World, etc.  Estimated weekly time commitment:  20 minutes to an hour.

What Others Say About Us...

April 2002:  The Best of the Web for Chess says "A very good and growing site, with one of the most comprehensive links pages anywhere on the web."

June 2002:  GM Jon Levitt writes "Just wanted to say that you have an impressive new website filled with plenty of enthusiasm and fresh content.  I look forward to watching it grow."

June 2002:  GM John Emms writes "Congratulations - great site and newsletter!"

August 2002: The Campbell Report - Correspondence Chess reviews Chessville, saying in part "Chessville is an ambitious new email publication that looks very attractive...The target audience is the beginner and intermediate OTB player, but everyone will find material of interest here...The people responsible for the site are enthusiastic and anxious to provide a great resource to the chess community so things can only get better."

October 2002: GM Alexander Baburin writes "Your newsletter is great - keep it up."

December 2002: Chesslinks Worldwide names Chessville it's "Site of the Month."

February 2003:  ChessAward recognizes Chessville as their latest recipient.

February 2003:  USCF Senior Master Jude Acers writes "You really are world class.  Long may you run."

March 2003:  The Chess Drum says " has certainly done a great service and is one of the most comprehensive chess sites in the world!"

May 2003: The IAWMD (International Association of Webmasters and Designers) awards Chessville the 2003-2004 Golden Web Award "In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web."

May 2003:  Chess Express Ratings names Chessville the "2003 Best Chess Web-site"

Chess Kamikazes:  "The place for chessplayers who aren't buttheads. One of the finest all-around chess sites on the Web, Chessville features tutorials, discussions, editorials, and a weekly e-mail roundup of the Web's chess highlights."

Daaim Shabazz of The Chess Drum:  "Keep up the great work. I look forward to the newsletters each week and is one of a handful of chess sites I rely on."

May 2004:  Chesslinks Worldwide names Chessville it's May Site of the Month.



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