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Max Ernst - Surrealism and Painting (1942)


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"Everything leads us to believe that there exists a certain point of the mind at which life and death, the real and the imaginary, past and present, the communicable and the incommunicable, the high and the low, cease to be internal linkperceived as contradictions..." - André Breton:

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surrealism (se-rê´e-lîz´em) noun
1. A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.
2. Literature or art produced in this style.
[French surréalisme : sur-, beyond (from Old French). See SUR- + réalisme, realism (from réalité, reality, from Medieval Latin reâlitâs, from reâlis, real). See REAL1.]
- surre´alist noun

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The simplest surrealist gesture consists in going out into the street, gun in hand, and taking pot shots at the crowd!
Surrealist Slogan from the 1920s. Quoted by Luis Buñuel in: _My Last Sigh_, ch. 10 (1983). The slogan was revived in Paris in 1968, during the May uprising.

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surrealism (se-rê´e-lîz´em), literary and art movement influenced by Freudianism, dedicated to expressing the internal linkimagination as revealed in internal linkDREAMS, free of the conscious control of reason and convention. Founded (1924) in Paris by André BRETON with his Manifesto of Surrealism, it can be traced back to French poets such as Arthur RIMBAUD, Charles BAUDELAIRE, and Guillaume APOLLINAIRE and to the Italian painter Giorgio de CHIRICO. In literature, surrealism was confined almost exclusively to France, and was based on the associations and implications of words. Its adherents included Paul Éluard and Jean COCTEAU, famous for his surrealist films. In art the movement was dominant in the 1920s and 30s. Salvador DALI and internal linkYves TANGUY used dream-inspired symbols such as melting clocks. internal linkMax ERNST and internal linkRené MAGRITTE used incongruous elements realistically painted. These "verists" differed from "absolute" surrealists, such as Joan MIRÓ, who used images from the subconscious.

imagination manifests realities

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The animating purpose of internal linkDada and Surrealism was to smash all accepted values and expectations; to internal linkjolt perception awake from robotic sleep and into seeing the world in a new, fresh way that is nonlinear and multiinternal linkdimensional. Picasso's _Man with a Violin_ depicts an ordinary scene, but from all sides and angles at once. In internal linkMarcel Duchamp's _Nude Descending A Staircase, No.2_, we see what the title descibes, but from a perspective of nonlinear internal linktime. The Surrealists investigated dreams and the unconscious, automatic art and writing, the art of "primitive" peoples and the art of children and internal linkschizophrenics. They were on a quest for internal linkmagickal internal linkperception, a internal linkshaman's  view of the world.

Marcel Duchamp - _Nude Descending A Staircase_

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The surrealist movement was launched in 1923 - the year internal linkJames Joyce, after making cryptic notes for several months, finally wrote the first three-page fragment of _Finnegan's Wake_, and the year Hitler was initiated in the Thule Society, and occult secret society with a paranoid dread of all other occult secret societies, which it claimed were run by Jews and internal linkFreemasons - anyway, that year, the First Surrealist Manifesto promised or threatened "total transformation of mind and all that resembles it."  Among the founders was Raymond Roussel, former associate of internal linkAleister Crowley and Father Sauniere in the Hermetic Brotherhood of internal linkLight, and among the later recruits was Jean Cocteau, who eventually became internal link23rd Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.
internal linkRobert Anton Wilson - _Coinciinternal linkdance_ in _Semiotext[e] USA_atomjacked inventory cache

James Joyce x3 Freemasonry

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"Like surrealism, occultism tries to break the domination of rational philosophy and logic, stressed by Descartes. Occultism is based on the belief in a higher reality of certain forms of association through the internal linkcabbala, faith in the power of dream- and internal linktrance-images, and in the stream of words uncensored by the intellect."

- P. R. Koenig, "internal linkEcstatic Creation of Culture" 


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"We need to cultivate a sense of mystery.  The mystery is not only in the Other; it is in us.  This reverberates again with the idea that we become what we behold.  The nature of history is suddenly transforming in the postinternal linkquantum physics, postmodern phase;  this was not expected.  The nineteenth century, the early twentieth century - they didn't realize this was what they were pointed into.  Although some few people, the 'Pataphysicians, the surrealists, saw what was coming.  But now here we are."
 - internal linkTerence McKennainternal link_The Archaic Revival_atomjacked inventory cache 

Terence McKenna...the force will be with you, always... Archaic Revival cover

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Turn On - s/t on Duophonic (1997) Sleep Chamber - Sacred and Surreal CD on Inner X (1988)

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"Electrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrronic communicationnnnnnnnnnnnn!" - Salvador Dali

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internal linkUsenet: alt.surrealism

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external linkSurrealist Compliment Generator
external linkSurrealist Films

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