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The Title:
GetJava Download Button Why "The J Maker"? "J" means "Java" - the powerful computer language created by SUN Microsystems (www.sun.com) and used by many Internet software programmers to create web applications although the language itself is actually a general-purpose vehicle. "Java" is trademarked, so it is not used in the title. Since TJM makes the software at this site, "Maker" is called. Click on the button on the right to get Java.

The Site:
SUN iForce Partner The J Maker is based in the United States of America. It first began as a non-commercial website a few years back. For all the software, every single line of code (hundreds of thousands!) is written by the owner without using any third party APIs or plug-ins. As a matter of fact, the site logo, web page design, technical support, and new software development are all done by the same person. The site is also recognized as an iForce partner of SUN Microsystems.

TJM specializes in advanced Java programming. The main goal is to make your web pages better presented in a dynamic way and with an eye-catching look. Either you are a web designer or a Java programmer, you will find these programs helpful and easy to use and install. Some programs won at major programming contests (SUN, ACM, IBM, etc) and can be found at the most famous Java sites (Gamelan, JARS, JavaShareware, JavaBoutique, etc) all over the world.

Chunyen Liu The Owner and Sole Developer:
Trained in over 20 college graduate-level computer courses mostly in the United States, the owner self-taught himself Internet software technologies. After being among winners of 2 major Java programming contests, he is occasionally employed to review books (Sams Publishing) and write tutorial articles for various publishers (JavaWorld, Gamelan.com, Developer.com, etc) as well as serves on the judge panel at JARS.

In addition to the programs presented here, you are welcome to contact TJM about custom work or advertising at this site.

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