3x3 Chess Guestbook

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!!! | homepage
creative !!!
Iam interested in the complicated code behind this site
I have many attempts to make mate in #2 random positions
is that possible ??
26 May 2005 17:29:01

Kir:   It's simple: I extracted all mates in 2, 3, etc, and stored the position indexes. Then I just take random out of them. (Also I filtered out problems with more than one solution, and some other 'unbeautiful' positions)

Peter van der Hoog | email | homepage
Very nice!

4 May 2005 05:43:54 - Amsterdam

Yoshio SAKURAI | email
very interesting! I think it would be very good tool for training chess! Can I install the software (problems-generator) into my pc?
4 January 2005 01:54:04 - japan

Kir:   See my email

Tru-tru-tru! OPened guestbook! Leave your comments here.
21 February 2004 21:03:20