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Advanced Backgammon - Bill Robertie

Bill Robertie     1984/1991     272pp/270pp
Gammon Press     ISBN:1880604027/1880604035

Volume I: Positional Play & Volume II: Technical Play

Bill Robertie's book is aimed at the player who has already read a book on the level of Magriel's Backgammon, and who has some experience of the game. It aims to raise the reader's game to expert level, in a series of 400 problems (about half chequer play and half cube decisions) that cover positional topics such as the opening and the five point, and technical topics such as holding games and bearing off.

Robertie is much stronger than Magriel on some aspects of the game - doubling and back games spring to mind - and as I said above he is aiming at a different level of difficulty. I have to say, however, that I find Robertie's style - a collection of problems taken from many aspects of the game - less helpful than Magriel's systematic exposition. But despite that it is a very valuable book.

Stephen Turner

Robertie's Advanced Backgammon is very informative, although the assumption stated by Robertie is that you have read some other backgammon books. So as a beginner-intermediate there are things I am still not sure about, but the books are very good to read.

The volumes are all backgammon situations, discussing either 1) Given a position and dice roll, what are the best moves (i.e., various plays are discussed as to their merit); and/or 2) Given a position, is there a 'double' action required before rolling, and if so, should the opponent accept the double. There are occasional typos, but very few of them. I have read both volumes through once, and am more leisurely re-reading them now and they are sinking in as to what to do.

One thing of note is the recent study in which each of Robertie's situations in volumes 1 & 2 were posed to the Jellyfish program, as well as a rollout performed on each. There are many instances where Jellyfish and Robertie differ, and even additional instances where a rollout disputes even Jellyfish and Robertie when they agree. I have never seen Jellyfish, so I'll leave its ability up to others to decide if it is correct or not.

I would recommend these books to beginners and intermediates. I have no idea whether advanced folks would find them useful.

Allen Adams

Advanced Backgammon by Bill Robertie is published in two volumes by Gammon Press, price US$70.00 plus postage.

As Allen Adams mentions, Peter Fankhauser has rolled out all the positions in Advanced Backgammon using the computer program Jellyfish. They are available from Gareth McCaughan's Web site. (They are written in a format which ensures that you have to buy the book to understand them).

Other book reviews welcome! Email them to DocMartin@Gammoned.com

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