Monday, November 20, 2006

"As I finish this a small smile is on my face. You people that I read every day make a difference in my life, you share yourselves, your happiness and your pain, and give hope, you melt some of my cynicism and continue to affirm that life really is good and it can be whatever we make it. Keep up the brilliant work you donkeys."
Miami Don

Well said.

Hell, this actually is a goodbye post of sorts.
And again, I don't know what to say.
Thanks again to everyone who wrote. I'm blown away.

It's funny because I've wrote a few Guinness and Poker goodbye posts in years past, but always for the wrong reasons.

Now I have a good reason.

Someone shipped me a briefcase full of cash to write for them.

Err, no, not really. All it really took was a phone call from the one person most responsible for my starting my humble poker blog so long ago.

The one person who was around long before the term poker blog was even on the horizon.

The one person who Destroyed My Workplace Productivity long before I ever put a hurting on capitalism with my uber posts.

The BlogMother, Linda.

Long before there was a BlogFather, there was a BlogMother.

It goes without saying that I'm intensely flattered and happy to be moving my ubers to Poker Works. There's a reason why she has always been #1 on my blogroll.

And thusly, the great experiment begins:

IGGY at Poker Works.

Hell, I've always said I'm just making this up as I go along and this is just another adventure to take. And hey, even though in the grand scheme of things it ain't that big of a deal, it is to me.

I truly don't know what else to say. Please don't abandon G&P; because I will come here and write.

Perhaps I'll finally start my long-awaited Roshambo blog.

Actually, this works out best for anyone who reads my drivel because you can bet your ass that you're gonna get more posts, more content and more tasty poker linkage than ever before. In fact, there's a monster uber just waiting for you over there right now. With a fine photo of Howard Lederer and Annie Duke, pre-TV. And a hooker story.

So please don't delete links here.

And more importantly, link me up at PokerWorks and follow me over.
You won't be sorry.

IGGY at PokerWorks

Thanks to all my fellow bloggers for the inspiration. And for the friendships and laughs.

That's the most +EV thing of all.

Play on Party Poker with Bonus Code IGGY, damnit!

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