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Magnus Carlsen vs Boris Gelfand
Amber Tournament (Blindfold) 2008  ·  Sicilian Defense: Najdorf Variation. Adams Attack (B90)  ·  1-0

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Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  GMNick: Interesting play by Carlsen. h3 is an unusual move in the najdorf.
Premium Chessgames Member
  egilarne: Yeah, 6.h3 is uncommon in the Najdorf variation, the most famous game I suppose is this little Fischer gem, against Najdorf himself, from the Varna olympiad: Fischer vs Najdorf, 1962
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gilmoy: Carlsen unfianchettos his B and invites a K-side attack just to get a rook on the 7th -- and promptly offers it as an "exchange" sac!? <He who sacs first, wins!>

OK, not really a sac -- 25..Qxb7 26.Qxf6 Rf8 27.Qxd6 with three threats: Nf6+, Nc7+, and Qxe5+ -- so he probably gets N+PP for R, Black's center is ruined, and the Bh4 looks trapped.

Mar-21-08   yxcvbnm: sure about your line? what happens after 26....Bxf6
Premium Chessgames Member
  JohnBoy: <yx> 26...Bf6 is not possible due to the pawn at g5. <Gilmoy> gives an accurate assessment of the position. After 27 Qd6 in <Gilmoy>'s line, the most pressing threats are the two knight checks.
Premium Chessgames Member
  notyetagm: Is there anything better in modern chess than watching Magnus Carlsen play the Open Sicilian as White?

This is a *brilliant* game by Carlsen, never mind that it was played blindfolded!

<Gilmoy: Carlsen unfianchettos his B and invites a K-side attack just to get a rook on the 7th -- and promptly offers it as an "exchange" sac!? <He who sacs first, wins!>>

How does Carlsen see these things? I love to play with my rooks, getting them onto the <SEVENTH RANK> as much as the next guy. <<<But how do you see that you should play 19 Bg2-f1! so that you can trade off the light-squared Black c6-bishop which defends the b7-square so that you can later play 24 Rb1-b7 ?>>>

19 Bg2-f1!

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24 Rb1-b7

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Carlsen is just @#$%ing amazing. I would not have thought of this piece maneuvre in a thousand years.

Secrets of Opening Surprises
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