Napoleon Bonaparte 
Napoleon Bonaparte
Number of games in database: 4
Years covered: 1802 to 1820
Overall record: +3 -1 =0 (75.0%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.

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 page 1 of 1; 4 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Madame De Remusat vs Napoleon Bonaparte 0-113 1802 CasualB02 Alekhine's Defense
2. Napoleon Bonaparte vs Madame De Remusat 1-014 1804 La MalmaisonA00 Uncommon Opening
3. Napoleon Bonaparte vs The Turk 0-124 1809 SchoenbrunnC20 King's Pawn Game
4. Napoleon Bonaparte vs General Bertrand 1-018 1820 St. HelenaC44 King's Pawn Game
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Napoleon Bonaparte wins | Napoleon Bonaparte loses  

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Oct-12-06   Flight Arrival UK: Another working day has ended
Only the rush hour hell to face

Oct-30-06   danielpi: <Nightwalk> Playing for a better position is not a trap. At least, in chess we generally regard "traps" as being a certain sort of tactical trick.

I think Austerlitz is comparable to exchanging a knight for a bishop in an open game. I don't think it's comparable to trapping the Queen after a rook sac- which is more properly regarded as a chess "trap".

I suppose it's a semantic question, but I don't think that Napoleon was particularly fond of "traps" in the sense that we're discussing here.

Nov-04-06   MarioBalibrera: Does anyone have Robespierre's games?
Nov-19-06   szunzein: I don't know, but the poor guy (God forgives his soul) surely played better than Napoleon.
Nov-19-06   setebos: What is this crap about Napoleon`s height? I remember an old saying stating that the stature of a man is measured from the shoulders to the top of his head-:)
Nov-19-06   szunzein: That's been an old discution here; some people think he wasn't short, only his bodyguards were too tall.....bizarre History can be so easily changed!
Nov-28-06   Whitehat1963: A brief appraisal of Napoleon's skills and a whole lot more:

Premium Chessgames Member
  cyruslaihy: Napoleon is 1.6 m tall, average height i think, his body guard is averagely 1.8m tall, thats why napoleon lost at waterloo, cause his sight was blocked and cannot issue commands effectively
Jan-03-07   Amblesmile: This seems the ideal stagnant thread so i'll pass you on:

Yes, I lurve Chess too remember,

Thank you x=)

Jan-03-07   Amblesmile:

Now that works!

Mar-02-07   Maatalkko: <cyruslaihy> I hope you're joking. Any commands issued by Napoleon during battle were useless. It took 15 minutes for a report to reach him, and 15 minutes for the guy to go back to the front. Therefore Napoleon could have given flawless instructions on what his troops should have done half and hour ago. Read WAR AND PEACE if you don't believe me. The research on there seems pretty reputable.
Premium Chessgames Member
  AugustAle: <Maatalkko: I hope you're joking. Any commands issued by Napoleon during battle were useless. It took 15 minutes for ...... WAR AND PEACE.> I hope YOU're kidding. Do you really believe "Any commands issued by Napoleon during battle were useless"? Any commands?? And do you think fifteen minutes is a long time?

Anyway, Was hoping to ask you for a citation for your post on Max Euwe <There's something wrong with that man> Thanks in advance, AA.

Mar-09-07   Maatalkko: <AA> It's on Max Euwe's Wikipedia page. Well, maybe his commands weren't useless (there were several creative ones like shooting the ice at Austerlitz), but thirty minutes is a long time, since its 15 there and back. My point was that micromanagement during battle simply wasn't possible in the early 1800's, so I doubt that smoke blocking his view of the field influenced Waterloo at all. In fact, sometimes he didn't even bother viewing a battle in progress, as at Borodino, where he spent the time - playing chess! (Also from War and Peace. Yes, a fictional book, but one in which Tolstoy tried to debunk the theory of the "great man" or exceptional individual single-handedly determining the outcome of a war/battle. He devotes an entirely non-fiction essay at the end to this topic. He was a man of erudition and I am inclined to believe his facts).
Mar-09-07   Maatalkko: <AugustAle> Out of curiousity, whose picture is that?
Premium Chessgames Member
  AugustAle: <Maatalkko:> Sorry for the slow response, been on a shoot and they take ALL your time (and sleep). Thanks for the responses. <<AugustAle> Out of curiousity, whose picture is that?> for RKD see User: themadhair 1/20/2007.
So it seems there is no citation for the quote by B.F. re: M.E., Only the quote itself, unless you can point me somewhere else? Must be very careful using:

Anyway, thanks again, <<<.>>>AA>>

Apr-10-08   HeMateMe: Does anyone know if there are any american military figures who played chess, at a high level? I was reading about some West Point officers, and the rigorous academic curriculum they must pursue (calculus, etc.) People good at such things are often good chess players.

I think some of the officers from this academy were chess players, but the stigma of chess being for loner types would be bad for a peace time officer's career, and it isn't mentioned in official bios.

When Douglas McCarthur ("American Ceaser") took his entrance exams, he scored 99.3% on the tests. Only two others have had a higher entrance score. One of those was Robert E. Lee, a fellow who commanded some troops during the American Civil War.

Does anyone have any info on this topic?

Apr-10-08   HeMateMe: MILITARY BOOKS

Read the new release, "The Day of Battle--the American army in Scily and Italy, 1943--44", very good. By Rick Atkinson, who also wrote "Dawn of an Army", the story of the U.S. army in North Africa. Part three of his trilogy will be on the invasion at Normany and the war in Western Europe.

Premium Chessgames Member
  RandomVisitor: 'The whole secret of the art of war lies in the ability to become master of the lines of communication.' -Napoleon Bonaparte
Premium Chessgames Member
  brankat: <HeMateMe> <One of those was Robert E. Lee, a fellow who commanded some troops during the American Civil War.>

Hmmm, what an under-achiever :-)

Premium Chessgames Member
  Augalv: Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
Premium Chessgames Member
  capatal: <For Sale: Slightly used Italian WW2 Tanks>. (Reverse gears worn out). Any reasonable offer accepted.
Premium Chessgames Member
  knightfly: Here is an interesting article which claims that Boney was little better than Hitler.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Geronimo: Re: one of the threads here. Anyone who thinks that running some pour slob to the front was the only way to give commands in battle before the advent of modern communications hasn't studied their history very well. Drums, flags, flares, trumpets, whistles, coloured smoke, mirrors (reflecting sunlight), dogs, pigeons, and even bagpipes have all been used to get messages - very precise ones - through the noise and confusion of battle. How do you think naval warfare occured before radio? "Quick Admiral, send your fastest swimmer!"

Read War and Peace for its literary value. Read Gibbon for history.

Jul-26-08   Zonszein: Napoleon was like a baseball coach;

see: it depended on the way he put his hat, or winked his eye and suff like that, then the generals passed the orders etc; like in a baseball game

Premium Chessgames Member
  whiteshark: Quote of the Day

<The whole secret of the art of war lies in the ability to become master of the lines of communication.>

-- Napoleon

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