How to Make Cider

Cider Recipes

I usually think of apples in terms of bucketloads and as we have a couple of big buckets that hold about 20lb of apples, my recipes are for those ammounts.

Recipe for sweet Cider:

10 lbs sweet apples (Cox's Orange Pippins)
5 lbs acidic apples (Bramley)
5 lbs bitter apples (Tremletts)

Recipe for New England style Cider:

7 lbs sweet apples (Cox's Orange Pippins)
6 lbs acidic apples (Bramley)
6 lbs bitter apples (Tremletts)
1lb raisins (yup, dried grapes!)

Recipe for dry Cider:

10 lbs acidic apples
5 lbs crab apples
5 lb sweet apples (Cox's Orange Pippins)