Terms of use


Publication of press releases on Live-PR.com



Live-PR.com offers services for journalists, agencies as well as other opinion makers for the free publication of press releases.

Live-PR.com publishes the press releases in the name of the client. All requirements turn into completely on the client. For the correctness and/or the completeness of the published press releases Live-PR.com does not take over any adhesion or responsibility. Live-PR.com is responsible neither for direct nor for indirect damage or requirements, which results from the spreading of press texts on Live-PR.com. The client carries any defense costs.

§2 Live-PR.com examines each press release before its publication and reserves themselves expressly to reject press releases. This applies in particular, if contents against valid right, which offend to good customs, exhibit, racistic or organism despising contents, which are justifiable execution not reasonable or not economically. Kind and range of a press text correspond the current yardstick, if not different one was agreed upon or expressly tacitly implemented.

With the registration on Live-PR.com as well as the publication of press releases on Live-PR.com the registered user agrees that his indicated e-mail address as well as the user data will be stored. The user agrees to receive e-mails from Live-PR.com. Live-PR.com insures expressly that neither the user data nor the e-mail addresses are passed on third party.


Live-PR.com does not give any warranty or adhesion for accessability, the access quality or the kind of the representation on Live-PR.com.


Live-PR.com is authorized to change parts of Live-PR.com without previous announcement to remove or to delete the entire press portal Live-PR.com.


Live-PR.com dispatches press releases by e-mail at subscribers. It cannot be guaranteed in principle that the dispatched press releases reach their recipients, to be read or published. Also the completeness of the mailing lists despite large care and conscientious control of Live-PR.com cannot be guaranteed.


Live-PR.com dispatches press releases usually on week days (Monday till Friday) several times daily at agreed upon times, whereby dispatching for Live-PR.com is not binding e.g. due to higher force or technical defect.


All on Live-PR.com published contents can freely be copied, further-used and also invariably printed. It is not permitted to take over press releases of Live-PR.com without indicating on the press releases to left and Live-PR.com or Live-PR.com as source.


Live-PR.com is not responsible for contents of directly or indirectly linking with other web pages, which don't exist in the responsibility area of of Live-PR.com, an adhesion is completely excluded. Live-PR.com does not have any influence on the kind or on contents of other linked web pages. Live-PR.com dissociates itself hereby expressly from all contents of all linked sites, which were changed after the link setting. This statement applies for all within Live-PR.com found link references. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents exclusively and alone the respective offerer of the linked web site is responsible.


Live-PR.com is authorized to do changes and adjustments on these terms of use if recomended.

  Vienna, Aug. 2007