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Ninja Gaiden BLACK

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Ninja Gaiden BLACK

Ninja Gaiden was a smash hit for the Xbox in 2004. BLACK takes the original game and adds the hurricane pack expansions as well as new missions, enemies, and costumes.

HP Review
by Shawn Deena

Back in black and still the best game ever

  • Graphics: 10/10
  • Sound: 9/10
  • Gameplay: 9.5/10
  • Replay Value: 10/10
  • Overall: 9.5/10

The Short Bark:

It may seem a bit unfair to give such a high score to an already awesome game, but with the addition of the "ninja dog" easy mode and the mission mode that lets you battle 'til your heart's content - this game, without question, is one of the best action games ever made for the Xbox.

The Full Bite:

When Ninja Gaiden was release a year and a half ago for the Xbox, everybody and their kung fu master went nuts over it. The game had intense action and sound, graphics that pushed the Xbox to the limit, and fine story to tie it all together. Not since Halo had a game come out that was so unanimously praised by fans and critics alike. All this from a game that traced its origins to the old days of 2D side scrolling on the NES and Arcade.

When Tecmo's Team Ninja got their hands on the Ninja Gaiden franchise, they did something they had not done with their previous graphically great games like Dead or Alive - they made a game with substance. Certainly it's one of the hardest games you ever played but you loved every controller-throwing, profane-filled screaming at the TV moment of it.

Flash forward a year and 2 Hurricane packs later and what do you have?

Ninja Gaiden Black. A game that's not so much a sequel as it is a revisiting. Typically if a game gets re-released (at a cheaper price no less $29.99) there's often a great deal of disappointment with comments that generally range from "Why would you spend money on this?" to "Who are they trying to fool." Not so with NGB.

What's new?
Last year Xbox live subscribers got treated to two hurricane packs, which featured new weapons, missions and costumes. NGB wraps both packs into this new game in the form of the mission mode - we'll get to that shortly. In addition to this new mode of game play, three more difficulty levels have been added, some new cut scenes that add more depth to the story and the placement of some weapons you couldn't previously get without downloading the Hurricane packs - like the lunar, a lethal lightning-fast staff.

Also tweaked is the camera, which had a tendency to drive you batty as you fended off enemies while getting lost on the screen. While it's still not the greatest, what a difference a year makes. Most impressive is the polishing of what was already a gorgeous game into well a … gorgeous game. As the head the era of next gen consoles and alleged graphic superiority it's comforting to know that Ninja Gaiden Black challenges us to wonder how much better can a game look?

That's why it's easy like Sunday Morning
Aside from endless excellent qualities of the game, there was one thing everyone who has played this game will agree on - Ninja Gaiden is one of the hardest games ever. Team Ninja answered that issue by creating an "easy mode." It's not a menu choice though. Basically on the first level of the game you have to get killed three times at which point the game goddess Ayane will ask you, "Do you really give up the way of Shinobi?" Answer yes and take a walk down easy street wearing a little pink ribbon (kind of a Scarlet Letter for Ninjas). Don't be too bummed though. A few levels down the road you won't feel so bad about making this choice, especially if you're playing this for the first time.

The Mission Mode
Ah the Mission Mode, arguably one of the biggest selling points of this re-release. If you can finish the game on normal mode, you unlock mission mode. Why normal mode you ask? Well simply put, Mission Mode is not for the casual gamer. You get placed in arena-like settings (50 in all) and have a chance to fight enemies employing the arsenal of weapons in the game. Think of it like any set up you would see Bruce Lee encounter in his movies (except you're deadly Ninja). While it sounds like a simple construct, when the fighting begins, you'll soon see how amazingly exhilarating this mode is.

It's an intense thrill ride as you battle through hordes of foes in an all out you-versus-everybody where all fighting and strategy skills are tested. Now if you had a save game file from the first time you played of a completed game then this mode is instantly accessible along with the "hard" and "very hard" mode. (Why anyone would put himself or herself through the torture of very hard mode is a mystery unto its own). The Mission Mode is a welcome addition to an already great game adding a new, exciting level of gameplay that you can challenge yourself with.

Something Old Something New
If you're shying away from this game because you've heard for a year how hard this game is then you'll be missing out on one of the most visually appealing, exciting games of this generation of consoles. That it's an Xbox exclusive makes it all the better because, while it surely would have done well as a multi-platform game, the graphic quality would have gotten lost in the translation. The new modes and tweaked story and visuals plus affordable pricetag make Ninja Gaiden Black an excellent addition to your game library.


ESRB Average Review Score


Developer: Team Ninja

Publisher: Tecmo

Players: 1

Release Date: September 20, 2005

Genre: Action

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Ninja Gaiden BLACK Demos, Movies & Files
Ninja Gaiden BLACK - Gameplay Montage 8 MB  
Ninja Gaiden BLACK - Trailer 18 MB  
Ninja Gaiden BLACK - Trailer 2 16 MB  

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