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Quake 4

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Quake 4

If you haven't heard of Quake you are probably dead or have been for many years and didn't even know it. id's tournament shooter masterpiece returns in the capable hands of Raven software. Rocket jumpers and rail gunners rejoice!

HP Review
by Jeb Haught

Best enjoyed alone

  • Graphics: 9/10
  • Sound: 9/10
  • Gameplay: 8.5/10
  • Replay Value: 7.5/10
  • Overall: 8.5/10

The Short Bark:

Quake 4 is perhaps the best looking PC FPS game out there right now. The awe inspiring visuals (be warned: it's a resource hog) combine with excellent weapons, story, and gameplay to create an intense single player adventure. However, this is Quake, and multiplayer is where the heart of the series lies.

In this regard, Quake 4 disappoints. The multiplayer online modes are exactly like Quake 3's, only prettier. If that doesn't bother you at all, then you'll have a blast, but in this day and age FPS fans might be looking for something more than a frantic frag-fest - if you find yourself in that latter category then you might not play the multiplayer much at all. What will be interesting to see, is what the modding community does with this game.

The Full Bite:

Every first person shooter fan knows that, back in its day, Quake 3 was the pinnacle of gaming. Not only did it feature awesome graphics and fast-paced gameplay, but it also helped to draw new fans to the genre. The Quake 3 engine has been used in dozens of games ranging from FPS games to racers to third person shooters.

It has been a long time coming, but the highly anticipated sequel, Quake 4, certainly exceeds my expectations. While Quake 3 focused on the online multiplayer aspect (there was no single player mode at all), the latest incarnation features a robust single player story mode in addition to the frenetic, twitch-based multiplayer action that fans have come to expect from the series.

Players who delve into the single player mode will assume the role of a member of the Rhino Squad named Matthew Kane. He is teamed up with an elite Marine squadron and charged with various missions such as infiltrating the Strogg home base and escorting demolition teams. In case you missed the story from Quake 2, the Strogg are a race of cyborgs (part man, part machine, like a gruesome version of the Borg) that are hell bent on wiping out humanity. Mankind has pushed the Strogg back to their own home planet and plan on ending the war by eradicating them. In a gruesome twist, Matthew is captured by the Strogg and transformed into one of the horrific creatures himself. Luckily, he is rescued just before his memory is erased, and can now understand their language and use their unique weaponry.

Matthew has access to a hearty assortment of firepower throughout the game, including a pistol with unlimited ammunition, a powerful assault rifle with a scope, a trusty shotgun, a grenade launcher, a railgun, and more. Firing these weapons is a pleasure due to their pinpoint accuracy and realistic 'feel'. Part of the fun is determining which weapon is best suited for each situation. For example, some armaments feature the ability to use a flashlight, which is handy in dimly lit corridors, while others are more powerful but leave the player open to an ambush. None of the weapon sound effects are the slightest bit realistic, but they do seem to fit the armaments they represent.

Driving vehicles is another fun aspect of this title, especially since they are so unique. Where else can you sit at the controls of a giant spider walker or futuristic tank? These moving weapons control very nicely, but sometimes seem overpowered. In addition to controlling vehicles, there are some parts where you must use a mounted weapon while an A.I character drives. This gives a nice break from the constant running and gunning, since everyone loves mowing down waves of mindless attackers.

Unfortunately, the online multiplayer mode seems like a step back in time. It is so fast paced and frantic that there is basically no time for strategy. Anyone who played Quake 3 will feel right at home because the only difference in the two versions is improved graphics and some new weapons. Just like in Quake 3, the rocket launcher and rail gun rule. Most people using other guns only do so while they wait for the aforementioned weapons to respawn. In the modern FPS market, Quake 4's multiplayer mode just doesn't offer enough to compete, but it can be a fun short-term distraction.

However, in terms of visuals, the single player mode shines because it is simply breathtaking. I could write an entire review about how impressive the lighting effects are and how they add tension and uncertainty to the game. Most of the game's textures are highly detailed, whether you are in a tight corridor, a large room full of machinery, or outdoors in a gigantic battle. But there are a few areas where blurry textures appear, and they seem really out of place. Other than this slight flaw, you will not find a better-looking FPS on the market, which is why Quake 4 is such a resource hog. Only those with powerful computers will be able to enjoy all the bells and whistles.

So if you are looking for a new online multiplayer game, keep looking. On the other hand, if you enjoy a great single player adventure, Quake 4 will definitely satisfy the hidden cyborg that dwells within.

ESRB Average Review Score


Official Site

Developer: Raven Software

Publisher: Activision

Players: 1-32

Release Date: Oct 19, 2005 (PC) Nov 19, 2005 (360)

Genre: FPS

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Quake 4 Demos, Movies & Files
Quake 4 - E3 2005 Trailer 12 MB  
Quake 4 - Quake-Con Trailer 6 MB  
Quake 4 - Xbox 360 Multiplayer 5 MB  
Quake 4 - Xbox 360 Vehicles 7 MB  
Quake 4 - Theatrical Trailer 4 MB  
Quake 4 - Game Intro 15 MB  
Quake 4 - Parallax Mapping Engine 2.0 76 MB
Quake 4 - Update v1.0.4 13 MB
Quake 4 - Software Development Kit 55 MB
Quake 4 - Full Demo 315 MB
Quake 4 - BETA Update v1.0.5 11 MB
Quake 4 - Quakemas Map Pack 23 MB

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