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Absolutely Cats

Adding Your Cattery

Basic Links To Your Website Or Email
Descriptive Links and Photos To Your Website Or Email
Registration Form
Updates and Corrections

Absolutely Cats is now offering Kitten Announcements in addition to Basic Links and Descriptive Links with Photos. If you are interested, please visit http://absolutelycats.tripod.com/22Kittens.html

Effective December, 2001 Absolutely Cats will not add any links without charge.

Basic Link

$18.00 (US funds) per year includes:

No sign up fees

Updates and corrections are always free.

Links to your website or email address for all breeds your cattery represents. The yearly fee is per cattery. For example, if you are working with Exotic Shorthairs, Himalayans and Persians your cattery would be added to these lists for $18.00 per year. You are not charged for each breed your cattery represents.

Your cattery will be featured on
See The Newest Listings for about 30 days.

Click here for examples of basic links.

To sign up for a basic link you'll need to choose your method of payment and complete the green form below.

Your listing will be posted after your application has been approved, all information has been sent and payment arrangements are complete. You will be notified by email.

No kittens mills. Your cattery must be registered. If you are not a responsible breeder, please do not apply. Absolutely Cats reserves the right to remove, suspend or not to accept a listing or renewal.

Descriptive Link and Photo

$24.00 (US funds) per year includes:

No sign up fees

Updates and corrections are always free.

Links with descriptions to your website or email address for all breeds your cattery represents. Your description should be 75 words or less.

The yearly fee is per cattery. For example, if you are working with Exotic Shorthairs, Himalayans and Persians your descriptive links would be added to these lists for $24.00 per year. You are not charged for each breed your cattery represents.

One photo posted in the Gallery of Cats and Kittens. Your listing will also provide a direct link to your photo in the Gallery. The photo will link directly to your website or email and you may have a caption added if you wish. Attach your photo to the green form below.

You may have more than one photo. Each additional photo is $6.00 (US funds).

Photos are optional and are not required. If wish to post a photo at a later date, I'll be happy to do so.

Your cattery will be featured on
See The Newest Listings for about 30 days.

Your cattery will be featured as Today's Featured Cattery. Listings are changed daily and posted in alphabetical order.

Your photo(s) will be featured as Today's Photo. Photos are changed daily and posted in alphabetical order.

Click here for examples of descriptive links with photos.

To sign up for a descriptive link with photo you'll need to choose your method of payment and complete the green form below.

Your listing will be posted after your application has been approved, all information has been sent and payment arrangements are complete. You will be notified by email.

No kittens mills. Your cattery must be registered. If you are not a responsible breeder, please do not apply. Absolutely Cats reserves the right to remove, suspend or not to accept a listing or renewal.


Credit Cards     PayPal     Checks/Money Orders     Cash;

Credit Cards

You may make your yearly payment with Discover, MasterCard or Visa. All credit cards are processed by VeriSign. The yearly price is per cattery and includes all breeds your cattery represents.

All credit card transactions are handled by Verisign, so I cannot do a manual transaction for you. If you have problems with the credit card form, please let me know and I'll be happy to help you.


PayPal accepts most credit cards and is a safe and convenient way to quickly send payments from many countries. The yearly price is per cattery and includes all breeds your cattery represents. A basic link is $18.00 (US funds) and a descriptive link with one photo is $24.00 (US funds). Additional photos are $6.00 each.

Checks, Money Orders and Cash

Payment may be made by personal check (US only), money order, bank check (payment from US bank), Western Union (very expensive) or cash. Pounds, Euros and Canadian dollars can be sent as cash at current exchange rates. If you prefer to send cash, please be sure to get a receipt from your postal service. Please mail your payment to:

Absolutely Cats
P.O. Box 120
Ponchatoula, LA 70454

Registration Form

If you have problems with the form, please try again in a little while or email your information and photo to


Please complete the entire form.

What type of link are you registering for?
A basic link is $18.00 (US funds) per year.
A descriptive link with one photo is $24.00 (US funds) per year.
Additional photos are $6.00 each (US funds).

Please indicate how you will make your payment.
Payment may be made by credit card, PayPal, money order, bank
check (payment from US bank), Western Union, personal check (US only) or cash
All payments must be converted to US funds.

What is your full name?

What is your email?

What is the registered name of your cattery?

What breed(s) would you like to have listed?

What association(s) are your cats/kittens registered with?

What country, state or province is your cattery located in?

What is the complete address (URL) of your website?

Attach Your Photo For Descriptive Link
If you have more than one photo, attach additional photos to the
blue forms below.
Send this file:

If you are signing up for a descriptive link, please include a description of 75 words or less.


What is your full name?

What is your email?

What is the registered name of your cattery?


Send this file:

Additional Photos For Descriptive Link


What is your full name?

What is your email?

What is the registered name of your cattery?


Send this file:

Additional Photos For Descriptive Link


What is your full name?

What is your email?

What is the registered name of your cattery?


Send this file:

Additional Photos For Descriptive Link


What is your full name?

What is your email?

What is the registered name of your cattery?


Send this file:

Additional Photos For Descriptive Link

Absolutely Cats accepts cat breeders who have registered catteries in good faith and assumes that cat breeders want to offer only high quality, healthy cats. Absolutely Cats assumes no responsibility for any unethical dealings and you may wish to contact several cat breeders before purchasing a kitten or cat.

Please remember that the material and photographs on these pages are protected by copyright law.