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Absolutely Cats

Healthy Cats 101

Cynthia B. Whitney, Fe-Lines

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Do you know if your cat is healthy? Do you know what to do to keep your cat healthy? You should.

First let me state that I am not a veterinarian, nor do I profess to be one. But after many years of cat ownership, breeding and showing, I think I have learned a few things. I don’t have all the answers. Heck, I don’t even know all the questions! However, it concerns me when I hear that pet cat owners have sickly, unhappy cats and don’t have a clue what to do about it.

Pet ownership involves responsibility. If you make a cat or any animal part of your family, treat it like one. Would you know if your son, daughter, mother or father was not feeling well? You should know the same about your pets. Get to know you cat. Observe his daily routine, normal habits, etc. When he is “off” his food, or not acting like his normal purring self, perhaps something is wrong. Pet ownership also involves using some common sense. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that your normally active, purring pal is now sleeping all the time and not paying any attention to you. Yes, cats can sleep up to 22 hours a day, but when they are awake, they should be bright-eyed, active, inquisitive, and loving. If not, you need to ask yourself why. Cats are sensitive creatures. Did you know that emotional stress, such as a change in their environment could result in a sick cat? It most certainly can.

Preventative medicine is worth every ounce. Just as you need routine medical care, your cat needs regular check-ups with a licensed veterinarian. Develop a good working relationship with your vet and all should be under control. Keep your cats vaccinations up-to-date. There is no excuse not to. In these sometimes tight economical times there may be places you have to cut your budget. Your cat’s immunizations are not one of them. Work with your vet; they understand these things and know you want to keep your cat healthy.

Proper nutrition is a key to good health. So, make sure you consistently feed your cat a nutritionally balanced diet. No need for any fancy home recipes, or high-dollar premium foods. Just feed him a recognized national brand of cat food. These foods meet or exceed the pet food nutritional requirements set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials, Inc. (AAFCO) standards. You might include vitamins in your cat’s diet if you want to increase his immune system.

Obesity kills. It kills people as well as cats. If you feed your cat bacon scraps, ice cream and Cheetos on a regular basis, you will have a fat, unhealthy cat in no time. This will shorten his lifespan. An occasional treat is fine, but in moderation. Keep your cat active. If he is already a bit obese, increase his exercise with some interactive playtime. Get a cat teaser or large feather and play with him so he moves all those muscles and works off some of the excess fat.

Having a happy, healthy cat is not hard. Use some common sense, provide a healthy and safe environment, and get to know your cat. You will both be happier for it.