Larry's Garden Pages

Melapodium, a beautiful annual that has bright yellow flowers all summer and fall. Takes a little while to get going in the spring but by mid/late summer can grow as large as 3 feet in diameter.

Porcupine grass (Miscanthus sinensis Strictus). Grows more upright than the taller zebra grass, but still seems to need staking. Nice plumes in the late summer and fall.

Crocosmia and cardinal flower (lobelia).

Hyacinth bean vine. Purple and white flowers followed by purple beans that can be harvested and saved for the following year.

Purple rhododendrons.

Hardy geranium (Cranesbill), comes in a variety of colors. Likes full sun, and spreads via underground roots.

Yellow poker plant (Kniphofia). Has large grassy leaves and pokers of upright buds that open in early summer. Many varieties, the most common ones have reddish yellow flowers. Likes full sun.

Pink malva moschata rosea. This bushy plant is covered with 1 inch pink flowers from summer until frost. Halfway through the growing season you should cut it back to encourage more flowers.

Malva sylvestris. The pink malva's big brother; it looks like a hollyhock and gets 5-6 feet tall. It does need to be staked or it will flop over.

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