Western PA Youth Chess runs regional chess tournaments for kids about 6 times a year. Whenever a flyer for our next tournament becomes available, it may be found be clicking on the LATEST TOURNAMENT INFO link below.

All of our regional scholastic tournaments are open to anyone from preschool through Grade 12 who wishes to test their skills. Each of our tournaments offers many different sections divided by age and ability, so that everyone can play against others at their own level. Prizes typically consist of ribbons and trophies. In addition to prizes for the individual competition, these tournaments also offers trophies to top teams. To enter the team competition, 4 or more participants from your school must take part.

The cost for these events is composed of two parts. First, is the entry fee, which typically is $15 per individual. There is no additional entry fee for competing as part of a school team, but you must have 4 or more entrants from your school to do so. In order to have these tournaments rated by the US Chess Federation (USCF), we require that all participants have a current USCF membership. The cost is $13 a year for an "Economy" membership, $19 a year for the "Scholastic" membership, or $25 a year for a Junior membership. Ecomony and Scholastic membership is for kids who are Age 14 or under, while Junior memberships are for kids Age 15 and over. The only difference between the Economy and Scholastic membership is 6 issues of Chess Life magazine, delivered bimonthly. I recommend the Economy membership for beginner level players. I recommend to the scholastic membership for Intermediate level players or families where a parent is interested in the magazine. Junior membership is for more experienced players, and includes a full subscription to the monthly chess magazine, Chess Life. Chess Life is geared more toward older children and adults.

Competing in these tournaments will get you an official chess rating. For more on ratings, follow the our RATING INFO link below.

In addition to these regional tournaments, we also run numerous other tournaments geared toward specific groups. Some of the larger tournaments of this type include the annual Fox Chapel scholastic championship, and the annual Catholic Schools Chess Championship.

Another large and popular tournament we cosponsor is the annual Carnegie Library Chess competition, which is now going into its 32th year. These are unrated, completely free tournaments held at approximately 40-45 Carnegie Library branches throughout Allegheny County. Typically they are held from late January to early March. At each participating library, we run two sections: Grades K - 4 and Grades 5 - 8. The top 2 finishers in each section receives a trophy, and the 1st place winner receives the right to enter the Carnegie Library Finals, where the winners from all the branches meet. To view the list of former library tournament winners, follow our LIBRARY TOURNAMENTS link below.

Many participants in our tournaments take chess classes as a way to improve their game. Classes for beginner and intermediate level players are offered on a regular basis on Sunday afternoons at the Pittsburgh Chess Club in Squirrel Hill. Classes for Advanced Players are also offered at the Pittsburgh Chess Club on Monday evenings. In addition, chess classes are currently offered at many schools throughout Western PA. For information, call the Pittsburgh Chess Club's Scholastic Director, Chessmaster Jerry Meyers at (412) 422-1770.

Youth Chess Home Page

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Western PA Scholastic
Chess Honor Roll

Chess Ratings Explained

Current Ratings List

Tournament Info

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on Tournaments

Tournament Results

Library Chess
Tournaments Info

Chess Software

Chess Links

Last Modified: 5/1/04
Maintained By/Send Comments to: Jerry Meyers