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The content of this page was created directly by users and has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff.
Since the beliefs that parents want to instill in their children can vary greatly, we ask that instead of adding your personal opinions about what is right or wrong in a film, that you instead use this feature to help parents make informed viewing decisions by describing the facts of relevant scenes in the title for each one of the different categories: Sex and Nudity, Violence and Gore, Profanity, Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking, and Frightening/Intense Scenes.
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Sex & Nudity

Scale: 1/10

There's a scene where a 7-year old boy is taking a bath. The scene lasts a couple of minutes while he and his dad talk. Nothing explicit is revealed nor even implied though.

Violence & Gore

Scale: 2/10

No blood. No gore. A small bunch of yelling/arguments and slamming doors.

There's one scene where there's a chess tournament and parents get into a fight with each other. The head conductor then escorts them downstairs to a jail like cell.


Scale: 1/10

No profanity

Scale: 1/10

There's a bunch of scenes that take place in a city park. People are seen smoking there. One of the main characters mentions something about a 2-minute game of speed chess in the park can be worth some good drug money; implying that the people in the park are druggies.

Scale: 4/10

The movie isn't exactly peaches and creams. It is a bit tense as the main character who is 7 years old takes chess seriously.

At one point he's not doing well in school and the father gets into a heated spat with the teacher.

At another point the mother and dad have an argument and the mom threatens to take the son away.

The chess teacher is also a bit strict. At one point he goes a bit crazy on the kid giving him meaningless xerox's of papers (which he claimed early were very special), until the mom throws him (the teacher) out of the house.

Another point the chess teacher knocks pieces off a chess board (we see this again in a flashback), the make a loud clattering sound.

Most important is when the kid loses a chess tournament in 7-moves the father chastises him in the rain for a bit. Eventually, the kid asks why the father's standing at a distance from him, and the father folds and hugs the son in forgiveness.

Total Content: 9/50 (high BLUE level)

Suggested Rating Scale: 0-10 - BLUE LEVEL - Appropriate for all, probably even Sunday School. 11-20 - GREEN LEVEL - Appropriate for most (except Sunday School and very young kids). 21-30 - YELLOW LEVEL - Teens and young adult level (kids should use extreme caution) 31-40 - ORANGE LEVEL - Adult level (young teens should use extreme caution, kids stay away) 41-50 - RED LEVEL - Adults use extreme caution, maybe even stay away.

Page last updated by GurningChimpII, 2 months ago
Top Contributors: !!!deleted!!! (1965608), GurningChimpII
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Rated PG for thematic elements.

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