nthposition online magazine

Robert Philbin

Philbin is an American playwright and writer who contributes frequently to publications and blogs about issues of political and cultural concerns. His new play, Finca Vigia, will be produced in the US in spring 2007.

Hitchens on God

[ bookreviews ]

He hasn't much new to say, but he certainly says it...

Moral Minds

[ bookreviews ]

On the surface, Hauser's theory is both obvious and revolutionary...

Second chance

[ bookreviews ]

Zbigniew Brzezinski awards marks for the last three White House incumbents.

Globalism and the films of Alejandro González Iñárritu

[ filmreviews ]

Three films in praise of compassion.

The war works hard

[ bookreviews ]

Dunya Mikhail's latest collection of poems bears witness to the war in her native Iraq.

Deconstructing the Media - Orwell, Chomsky & postmodern communication

[ bookreviews ]

"Any government can and, if unchecked, will drift into totalitarianism. Accrual is the prime motivation of power."

Three Films: Bernardo Bertolucci and the Fascist Mind

[ filmreviews ]

"The neoconservative movement has been viewed as a uniquely American claim to the future, as if some 'end of history' has arrived and the United States is the economic-political engine that will drive the future for all humanity."

Adrift in the postmodern world

[ artreviews - february 07 ]

Recent work by Tim Eitel, Andy Collins & Jason Brooks

Freud: Inventor of the modern mind

[ bookreviews ]

A brief but snappy bio.

The war against memory

[ bookreviews ]

Americans deserve a full accounting of Iraq's invasion.

America at the crossroads

[ bookreviews ]

How could thoughtful neoconservatives like Fukuyama could have got the entire Iraq project so completely wrong?

Breaking the Spell

[ bookreviews ]

Securing society against "those who would use democracy as a ladder to theocracy and then throw it away"

The places in between

[ bookreviews ]

One man's saunter through a collapsing culture...

The edifice complex

[ bookreviews ]

Architecture as propaganda for the powerful (if not solace for the peaceful practitioner)

Finding Caravaggio

[ bookreviews ]

Baroque master goes gangsta.

Restless giant

[ bookreviews ]

A stylish history of the US from Watergate to Bush v Gore.

Memories of my melancholy whores

[ bookreviews ]

Márquez is still looking for love...