nthposition online magazine


Caveat lector. In spite of my best efforts, link rot inevitably sets in. Please report broken links to Val - thanks.

Arts & letters - Politics - Good stuff - Miscellaneous

Arts & letters

3am Magazine - Lovely and very broad-ranging arts mag.

3 Quarks Daily - Fascinating arts & letters blog, with a good dose of science.

About Poetry - The poetry section of the vast About portal.

Arts & Letters Daily - Magnificent. ALD is the best aggregator of interesting articles.

ArtsJournal.com - "A daily digest of arts and cultural journalism."

Ascent Aspirations Magazine - Poetry and fiction with gorgeous artwork.

Book Ninja - Splendid Canadian arts 'n' letters site.

Broken Pencil - North American zine culture and alternative poetries.

The Burnside Review - Oregon-based magazine with a no-nonsense approach to poetry.

Cambridge Poetry - Does what it says on the tin: poetry from Cambridge (UK, not Mass).

Classic Reader - Wonderful digital books archive.

Drunken Boat - Lusciously designed arts mag.

Exquisite Corpse - "A journal of letters and life."

Famous poets and poems - Thousands of poems by hundreds of poets.

Fringe - Bimonthly online literary journal

Green Integer - Home of the very wonderful Green Integer Review, an online journal of poetry & fiction, interviews, essays & reviews, bios, and links.

iBiblio - Fully searchable digital literature, non-fiction and reference material.

Identity Theory - Jaw-droppingly good lit site.

Indy & Ink - nthposition is a founder member of Indy & Ink, the international society of independent publishers. Members publish graphic novels, arts and politics magazines, even London's only Brazilian alt lifestyle guide, and include The Chap ("Cutting edge tweed"), Strange Attractor, which "celebrates unpopular culture", and The Pavement, a free magazine for London's homeless, which needs and deserves your spare cash.

Internet Fiction - Newish writing and comments site.

Invisible Books - Resolutely uncommercial publisher.

Jacket - Probably the best online poetry magazine.

Killing the Buddha - Consistently interesting zine.

Logos Journal - Quarterly journal of culture, politics and society.

The Malahat Journal - One of Canada's leading literary journals.

The Modern word - Interviews, reviews, views... Lots of good stuff.

Monochrom - Vienna-based art/theory group.

The New Verse News - Poetry of a decidedly liberal political bent.

Other Voices - Online cultural criticism.

Poetry Library - Over 80,000 volumes.

Poets Against The War (US) - The 400lb gorilla of anti-Iraq war poetry.

Retort Magazine - Bi-monthly journal of art, news, reviews and ideas.

Spoiled Ink - Literary ezine and writers network.

Tattoo Highway - Prose, poetry and art.

Third Page - Arts and Beat literature site.

Unburials: The Writer as Graverobber - Cultural/political analysis and poetry.

Underground Literary Alliance - Abrasive and excellent value.

Unlikely 2.0 - Jonathan Penton's arts mag.

Used book search - Bliss.

Vallum - Poetry magazine, with a beautifully-designed online element.

Web del Sol - Too modestly described as "A literary arts community".

Gregory Whitehead - From nthposition's favourite essayist, radio historian, experimenter in sound and prankster.

Words on the Web - Relatively new Irish lit mag.

Writer's resources - Short but useful listing.

Zafusy - Clean-looking experimental poetry journal.


Alternative Insight - US domestic/foreign policy analysis. Abrasively intelligent.

AlterNet - Excellent online magazine and information resource.

American Civil Liberties Union - Invaluable since 1920.

Amnesty International - "Working to protect human rights worldwide"

Anti-War.com - Libertarian and non-interventionist.

Center for Public Integrity - Investigative journalism in the public interest.

Civil Society Internet Rights Project - Resources to campaign on social justice issues.

Common Dreams - "Breaking news & views for the progressive community".

Crimes of War - Aims to "promote understanding of international humanitarian law among journalists, policymakers, and the general public."

Electronic Frontier Foundation - "Protecting rights and promoting freedom in the electronic frontier."

Fairness & Accuracy In Media - Criticising media bias and censorship since 1986.

Free Expression Clearinghouse - An alliance protecting the First Amendment right of free expression.

Freedom Forum - "News about free press, free speech and free spirit."

Freedom of Information Act - FBI/DoJ site.

Friends of the Earth - Venerable campaigning environmental group.

Gatt.org - Looks just like the World Trade Organisation's official website.

Human Rights Internet Directory - Searchable database of human rights websites.

Human Rights Library - Bibliographies, research guides, and a jaw-droppingly good link section.

Human Rights Watch - US-based human rights organisation.

The Independent Institute - Interesting US-based think tank.

Index On Censorship - Protecting free speech.

Interights - "An international human rights law centre."

International Relations and Security Network - Swiss-based organisation with international relations search engine.

Journalism Net - Links to just about anything a journalist might need.

Left Business Observer - If you find business boring, think again.

McSpotlight - Dedicated to my favourite purveyor of affordable food.

Media Access - Non-profit public interest telecommunications law firm.

Media Link - Research and contacts for journalists.

Move On - "Democracy in action."

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - Excellent peace site.

The Obscure Store - Weird and wonderful news site.

Oneworld.net - 1,200 organisations and 7 OneWorld centres worldwide working for social justice.

Open Democracy - Major issues intelligently discussed. Subscription.

Peacefire - A youth alliance against blocking software, which bars access to sites the manufacturers have decided are verboten including the ACLU, the HIV/AIDS Information Center and Fortean Times...

Political Studies Association - A treasure for political junkies since the Stone Age of the Internet.

PoliticalInformation.com - "indispensable for journalists, political professionals, students and political junkies."

Project Censored - All the news that didn't fit - an increasingly valuable resource, unfortunately.

Rabble - Excelent Canadian alt news site.

Search for Common Ground - Its mission is "to transform the way the world deals with conflict."

United for Peace and Justice - United. Peace. Justice.

Douglas Valentine - Investigative articles on the CIA, Phoenix Project and more.

Win Without War - "A mainstream voice advocating alternatives to preemptive war against Iraq."

The Wired Press - "Your source for mediocre journalism" - waaay too modest.

Good stuff

GandhiServe Foundation - Magnificent archive on Mahatma Gandhi's life and works.

Get Ethical - Buy ethical products, fund a micro-credit scheme for the homeless, contribute to NGOs...

Heifer Project International - Donate one animal to a family, they share its offspring, and soon the village has a herd.

Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture - Care and rehabilitation for survivors of torture and other forms of organised violence.

Zaytoun - Magnificent cold-pressed olive oil from Palestine. Help small-scale farmers reach international markets.


The Anomalist - All sorts of odd stuff.

The Artists' Web - The indispensable Mr Kirkland, whose technical assistance keeps nthposition's electrons in order and the editor's blood pressure within normal limits, does the same for artists and their resources.

Circlemakers - For those crop circles not made by rutting hedgehogs...

Fortean Times - The best magazine in the world. Ever. No, really.

Knightsbridge Online - nthposition's lovely ISP. If you're UK-based and need smooth, competent hosting and a friendly voice at the end of a phone, go no further.

Science Frontiers - Strange stuff from the world's scientific journals.

Strange Attractor - "We are the voices in your head". Unpopular culture from the bleeding heart of London.