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 Overview  Casual Games  Thematic Games  Test Area 

 Casual Games
Game Room 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12Create | Search | Overview 

 Casual Games 

Black RookBlack KnightBlack BishopBlack QueenBlack KingBlack BishopBlack KnightBlack Rook8
Black PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack PawnBlack Pawn7
White PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite PawnWhite Pawn2
White RookWhite KnightWhite BishopWhite QueenWhite KingWhite BishopWhite KnightWhite Rook1
a b c d e f g h  

On these pages you may play with players of any strength. You play casual games - no ratings, no pressure - just fun.

Currently, there are 140 boards in 12 rooms set up:

 Boards 1 - 20
 Boards 21 - 40
 Boards 41 - 60
 Boards 61 - 80
 Boards 81 - 100
 Boards 101 - 120
 Boards 121 - 140
 Boards 141 - 160
 Boards 161 - 180
 Boards 181 - 200
 Boards 201 - 220
 Boards 221 - 240
 Games of a certain player
 Players waiting for opponents
 Create a new board

Viewing Games. Just enter one of the "Virtual Game Rooms" listed above. In each of the rooms up to 20 boards are set up. You may view any of the boards, but making moves is generally password protected.

Challenge a Player. You may challenge any of the players waiting for an opponent. Just enter a game room and click on "Challenger". Or search for an opponent.

Create a New Board. If you can't find an appropriate opponent, you may create a new board.

Find all your games. Enter your name or email address into the "Search Player" dialog. This searches for all games that match your name or your email address. Just enter your email if you used several aliases in your games.


©1999, 2000 by ChessWorld, last modified on Sunday, 16-Jan-2000 00:11:10 MET
3464861 Hits since January 1999