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Jehovah's Witnesses are true disciple of Jesus Christ


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Mississauga, Canada

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Mar 24, 2007





ASK THEM??? it is true..
Jehovah is Jesus Father name (pslams 83:18- old king james bible) that he refers to in the prayer The Our Father.Hallowed it be thy name and Jesus was Gods first born before all creation Col 1 :15 -states he is the image of the invisible God first born of all creation. Clearly explains who God was referring to in Geneisi when he said Let Us make Man in Our image.Look up before you comment. I do not want anything foolish or I will delete it . These are simple facts in all of our bibles. Wake Up. I just want to know those sciptures and what does your bible read. and Yes Muslims too as your koran says listen to the prophets. so get out your bible too.

“Searching for the True America”

Joined: Jan 7, 2007

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ISP: Dallas, TX

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Mar 25, 2007





Are you kidding? Jehovah's Witnesses are nothing but mindless zombies that belong to a huge cult. Do you really know anything about them? Do a little research. I have a relative who has been brainwashed by these nitwits. It is so sad.


Joined: Jan 10, 2007

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Syracuse, NY

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Mar 25, 2007





Oh? No dissent or you will delete it? Whether or not I agree with the rest of your post - I disagree with your attitude that you can delete dissent. Or is there no freedom of speech in Beamsville? What good is a thread if no dissent is allowed? There would be no debate, only total mindless agreement. And here I thought Jehovah's Witnesses were those kindly folk who knock on doors and hand out pamphlets. I guess you represent the more aggressive believe or shut up faction of Jehovah's Witnesses. State your beliefs and then let others discuss them and if some disagree so be it. but to threaten with deletion any disagreement is very Fascist. Is that what you wish us to believe? That Jehovah's Witnesses is Fascist, I sure hope not. Bottom line for any Religion should be attraction not promotion.
Now, there are some things I like about the philosophy that the Beamsville congregation has been putting in a variety of threads. Some I disagree with. I find that that is True, for me, with most of the multitude of interpretations that call themselves Christian Churches. If you wish to lay out your differing beliefs so that normal debate can occur please do so. Peace.

Lindsay, Canada

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Mar 25, 2007





Jehovah Witnesses are truly a cult and nothing more than mindless zombies. They have done nothing useful. Their big problem is they CAN'T think outside the box and see things from any other perspective but the one they've been brainwashed in. This makes more sense : Jesus was human not ulike any one of us - he performed no miracles - any more than any one of us have created miracles. The Only miracle this planet has ever witnessed is LIFE AS WE KNOW IT. There's no requirement to defend God or quote bible scripture. God - being God - would not require our defence nor would he have need to be jealous, be hateful, advocate revenge or kill people for not believing in him. In fact he'd want us to have our own minds about everything and would accept each an every one of us no matter what we believed. EACH ONE of us are children of God - not just JESUS! Yes the bible - written by men (every word) translated over 32 times over many centuries some from languages long dead - and you'd call such a book liable to be 'accurate'? Twits indeed! There's not one word in the bible or anywhere else that Jesus was to be worshipped.

Saint Paul, MN

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Mar 25, 2007





ya,and only 700 get to heaven
Missionary Man

Mansfield, OH

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Mar 25, 2007





Dear Friends,

Close scrutiny of the Jehovah's Witnesses doctrinal position on such subjects as the Deity of Jesus, Salvation, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the Atonement, etc., shows beyond a doubt that they do not hold to orthodox Christian positions on these subjects. Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is Michael the archangel, the highest created being. This contradicts many Scriptures which clearly declare Jesus to be God (John 1:1,14; 8:58; 10:30). Jehovah's Witnesses believe salvation is obtained by a combination of faith, good works, and obedience. This contradicts countless Scriptures which declare salvation to be received by faith (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Trinity, believing Jesus to be a created being and the Holy Spirit to essentially be the power of God. Jehovah's Witnesses hold to a ransom theory of the atonement, in which Jesus' death paid only for what mankind lost when Adam sinned - namely, the right to perfect life on earth. Thus, they believe in a faith + works arrangement, where sin and death are freely atoned for by Christ, but physical perfection is attained through personal effort, coupled with faith in Christ.

How do the Jehovah's Witnesses justify these unbiblical doctrines?(1) They claim that the church has, over the centuries, corrupted the Bible, and (2) They have re-translated the Bible in what they call the New World Translation. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society altered the text of the Bible to make it fit their false doctrine – rather than basing their doctrine on what the Bible teaches. The New World Translation has gone through numerous editions, as the Jehovah's Witnesses discover more and more Scriptures that contradict their doctrines.

Jehovah's Witnesses are readily shown to be a cult that is only loosely based upon Scripture. The Watchtower bases its beliefs and doctrines on the original and expanded teachings of Charles Taze Russell, Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and their successors. The Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the only body in the cult that claims authority to interpret Scripture. In other words, what the Governing Body says concerning any Scriptural passage is viewed as the last word, and independent thinking is strongly discouraged. This is in direct opposition of Paul's admonition to Timothy (and to us as well) to study to show yourself approved of God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God. This admonition, found in 2 Timothy 2:15, is a clear instruction from God to each of His individual children in the Body of Christ to be like the Berean Christians and search the Scriptures daily to see if the things they are being taught line up with what His Word has to say on the subject.

There is probably no religious group that is more faithful than the Jehovah's Witnesses at getting their message out. Unfortunately, the message is full of distortions, deceptions, and false doctrine. May God open the eyes of the Jehovah's Witnesses to the truth of the Gospel and the true teaching of God's Word.

Missionary Man

The Grand Wazoo

Evansville, IN

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Mar 25, 2007





Let me know how you come out on those "sciptures"
Some of my recent experiences with some of the Jehovah crowd has been very, shall we say "enlightening". Some of these people act like Pentacostals on crack.I had to threaten a JW with bodily harm to get him off of my property.
Just what we need is some more Fundie whackjobs with an End Times fixation.
As for the dissent issue, Leslie, if it wasn't for dissent , you'd all be Catholics.

Granby, MA

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Mar 25, 2007






Joined: Jan 10, 2007

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Syracuse, NY

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Mar 25, 2007





The Grand Wazoo wrote:
Let me know how you come out on those "sciptures"
Some of my recent experiences with some of the Jehovah crowd has been very, shall we say "enlightening". Some of these people act like Pentacostals on crack.I had to threaten a JW with bodily harm to get him off of my property.
Just what we need is some more Fundie whackjobs with an End Times fixation.
As for the dissent issue, Leslie, if it wasn't for dissent , you'd all be Catholics.
The last time a witness came -he insisted I take his pamphlet, I refused. He insisted again, and I refused. When he started to insist again, i put on my war face and said in a Moderately loud voice "I Don't Want IT, Have a nice day." He looked confused, then backed away. From the street he said - what is your address? Since it was on the door over my head I told him. hopefully I am now on the Do Not Approach list.

Mississauga, Canada

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Mar 25, 2007





Oh Bubba; you are such a fruit cake. Let me educate you, you silly kook, A cult is something that is very very hard to find and very easy to join and very hard to leave. On the contrary, Jehovah's Witnesses are very easy to find, Kingdom Halls are every where, very very hard to join, I can assure you ( and here is a test for you, youmay visit but I assure you, you would not get in so fast) and it is very very easy to be dismissed from if you are not leading a righteous life. You my dear have no knowledge on what is truth as these people are intelligent enough to work for God Almighty himself. so I would be mindful before your pea brain splats out and exposes you for the idiot you are and before you have any knowledge of what you are talking about. Get your facts straight. This is certainly just the opinion of a uneducated nut., who probably is gay and has no regard to truth or Jehovah God's requirements in the first place.
Bubba Lost in America wrote:
Are you kidding? Jehovah's Witnesses are nothing but mindless zombies that belong to a huge cult. Do you really know anything about them? Do a little research. I have a relative who has been brainwashed by these nitwits. It is so sad.

Gilson, IL

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Mar 25, 2007





Saranacotter wrote:
Oh? No dissent or you will delete it? Whether or not I agree with the rest of your post - I disagree with your attitude that you can delete dissent. Or is there no freedom of speech in Beamsville? What good is a thread if no dissent is allowed? There would be no debate, only total mindless agreement. And here I thought Jehovah's Witnesses were those kindly folk who knock on doors and hand out pamphlets. I guess you represent the more aggressive believe or shut up faction of Jehovah's Witnesses. State your beliefs and then let others discuss them and if some disagree so be it. but to threaten with deletion any disagreement is very Fascist. Is that what you wish us to believe? That Jehovah's Witnesses is Fascist, I sure hope not. Bottom line for any Religion should be attraction not promotion.
Now, there are some things I like about the philosophy that the Beamsville congregation has been putting in a variety of threads. Some I disagree with. I find that that is True, for me, with most of the multitude of interpretations that call themselves Christian Churches. If you wish to lay out your differing beliefs so that normal debate can occur please do so. Peace.
"Delete Dissent!" Sounds like the motto of so many of the BibleGod crowd. Two things readily apparent by this attitude - 1) they're just another of so many who not only think they got the one and only God, but one suspects they think they could do some water-walkin' as well; 2) they think a public forum is their own private e-mail group and they can approve and delete at will.

Reality Check, Ya'll! 1) There's as many paths to salvation as there are hearts beatin'. 2) No petty and vainglorious rants on any scrap of vellum are the perfect and complete word of God.

One thing comes to mind about JW's (as far as I know - somebody'll correct I hope). They're one of the few that seem to walk the talk on pacifism, as opposed to the Sunday Xtians who turn the other cheek for a couple hours on Sunday, then might as well wear "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" t-shirts the rest of the week. For Instance, the JW's are one of the few that can hold their heads high in any discussion topic on the "The Christian Church and Hitler," or the church and war in general in this Brave New World of preemptive war ushered in by the eminently devout and pious George W. Bush.

Peace (if ya want it). HipG

Mississauga, Canada

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Mar 25, 2007





Well, they do not beleive in trinity as that is not a true christian teaching. They do not beleive Jesus is God Almighty as that is also false. Jesus prayed to his father not himself. Any 2nd grader can help you decipher that. and if they had a cure for cancer you all would certainly want to knwo about it. Well they have good news about something better and are commanded to go ut and make disciples of all nations . Plus they have an assigned by God which is found in everyone of our Bibles Math 24:14, and then the end will come. So what are you all going to say, oh but God I did not know. Yeah you did, as you just sat he and wrote to us how you turned away your own salvation. I beleive most of you exagerate when you say they are pushy.. please they do not cause anyone harm, go to war and they do not take it personal if you don't like God well you don't By the way God has a name like everyone else it is Jehovah. go to your nearest library get an Olk King James Bible as did I and see for yourself before you start opening your mouth and speaking of something you have not research. Pslams 83:18 states that the world will know that you whose name is Jehovah, that you ALONE are the most hugh.. did you notice the word alone. proving no such thing as a trinity or that Jesus is GOD almight. Jesus was gods firt born Col 1:15 thus proving again any 2nd grader does not need to sit down and try and figure that one out. So who again are you slamming.. But then Jesus was also was slammed spit on and empaled. and he told true christians this would happen to them to as the slave is not greater then the Master. and who is the only faith on earth that gets slammed for no reason? you got.. Jehovah and his very own son Jesus Chrsit's followers. so put that in your hat. and do yourself a favor Saul did and then became apostle Paul. check all Bibles and see the scriptures are accurate and state the same facts. og ya the greates of all Jehovah;s Witnesses was his own son Jesus, he witnessed to everyone the same message about Gods Kingdom and he himself began that. so you are actually mocking Jesus Christ's arrangement for all his flock to go out and speak to you in hopes that a few will be saved before the end. Here is a tid bit. Jesus said just like the sands of the ocean, so will be those who will not make it. Are you one of those specks of sand. you could be if you perish for ever as stated in John 3:16.. read it yourself.

Mississauga, Canada

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Mar 25, 2007





you all are such idiots and missed the point. I do not give a darn about your stupid opinions. I just wanted to know what your bible said and if it was the same everywhere. but then I should have guessed there would be some who cannot follow a simple request. Gosh,.. just goes to show you there are many no-minds on this planet who can not follow simple direction. No wonder you men always get lost. You do not listen to the question. I am not going to delete your foolish crap, I will let the world see how you all are a bunch of fruit cakes for themselves.

“Compromise yourself for no one”

Joined: Dec 6, 2006

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Cajun Country

ISP: Lawrenceville, GA

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Mar 25, 2007





You all have been trolled by the twit in Beamsville Canada.
The Grand Wazoo

Evansville, IN

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Mar 25, 2007





Nathan wrote:
Oh Bubba; you are such a fruit cake. Let me educate you, you silly kook, A cult is something that is very very hard to find and very easy to join and very hard to leave. On the contrary, Jehovah's Witnesses are very easy to find, Kingdom Halls are every where, very very hard to join, I can assure you ( and here is a test for you, youmay visit but I assure you, you would not get in so fast) and it is very very easy to be dismissed from if you are not leading a righteous life. You my dear have no knowledge on what is truth as these people are intelligent enough to work for God Almighty himself. so I would be mindful before your pea brain splats out and exposes you for the idiot you are and before you have any knowledge of what you are talking about. Get your facts straight. This is certainly just the opinion of a uneducated nut., who probably is gay and has no regard to truth or Jehovah God's requirements in the first place.<quoted text>
And yours seems to be the opinion of another name calling, religious elitist prick whack job that's convinced he's right and everyone else is wrong.
" You don't read my book, you ain't g'wine up to Hebbin'"

I swear , I sometimes think we're on the road to being just a car bomb and a book away from being like the rest of the Fundie nuts running around in this world.

“Searching for the True America”

Joined: Jan 7, 2007

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ISP: Dallas, TX

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Mar 25, 2007





Nathan wrote:
Oh Bubba; you are such a fruit cake. Let me educate you, you silly kook, A cult is something that is very very hard to find and very easy to join and very hard to leave. On the contrary, Jehovah's Witnesses are very easy to find, Kingdom Halls are every where, very very hard to join, I can assure you ( and here is a test for you, youmay visit but I assure you, you would not get in so fast) and it is very very easy to be dismissed from if you are not leading a righteous life. You my dear have no knowledge on what is truth as these people are intelligent enough to work for God Almighty himself. so I would be mindful before your pea brain splats out and exposes you for the idiot you are and before you have any knowledge of what you are talking about. Get your facts straight. This is certainly just the opinion of a uneducated nut., who probably is gay and has no regard to truth or Jehovah God's requirements in the first place.<quoted text>
Let me see here- I'm a fruit cake, I am a silly kook, I have a pea brain, I am an idiot, I'm an uneducated nut, and to top it off, I'm gay.

I've been called a lot of names here on Topix, but I don't think I have ever been called so many names in such a short post.

I like ALU's description of you. One word- twit. That pretty much sums it up for me.

Oh yeah, when is the end of the world coming? It has come and gone so many times in this so called religion, that I have lost count. Is the end near? Or have they learned their lesson and set it so far in advance, that no one will be alive when it gets here.

There was a thread on here the other day about JW's. I posted that the only thing I found really cool about them was their ability to build a church in one hell of a hurry. Really amazing to watch as they all gather together and usually knock out a new church in a day or two.

Nathan, I'm telling you, all of you fanatics have missed your calling. You all need to go into the building trades industry. That way, you will make yourself useful in this life.

Mississauga, Canada

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Mar 25, 2007





Hey quote" I like to read everyones comments, so when I read this I wanted just to add simply beamsville, is canadian for brotherhood. Not really a place but like a beam of light, we all want to be in a light hearted society where we respect all, help all and but mostly accept all, we may be fiesty at times but I can assure you, Canadians ( from every part of the world) truly are light hearted people who simply want peace for all, and a good life for if you hear of this place not a literal place.. It is simply a canadian slang. and I know some of my amercan friends now say we are going to beamsville. meaning across the border. Have a good one. it was first originate by a woman born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I am in Victoria BC, who never wanted any publicity over it. but if you are interested I can found out more.
aLifeUncommon wrote:
You all have been trolled by the twit in Beamsville Canada.

Gilson, IL

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Mar 25, 2007





Leslie wrote:
you all are such idiots and missed the point. I do not give a darn about your stupid opinions. I just wanted to know what your bible said and if it was the same everywhere. but then I should have guessed there would be some who cannot follow a simple request. Gosh,.. just goes to show you there are many no-minds on this planet who can not follow simple direction. No wonder you men always get lost. You do not listen to the question. I am not going to delete your foolish crap, I will let the world see how you all are a bunch of fruit cakes for themselves.
No it just goes to show that a fool can write a 500 word run-together advertisement and expect people to pick out an "innocent" question buried therein. You can be assured that after this post there is not a mother's child out here that "gives a damn" for your opinion from here forward.

Wait........gettin' sumthin' here.......yes.........yes.... .....Ok, got it! Say Leslie, God tol' me to tell you shut the hell up. He's not bothered so much by your ridiculous rants but he's afraid you're embarrassing yourself and he cares.

Gilson, IL

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Mar 25, 2007



Michael wrote:
Hey quote" I like to read everyones comments, so when I read this I wanted just to add simply beamsville, is canadian for brotherhood. Not really a place but like a beam of light, we all want to be in a light hearted society where we respect all, help all and but mostly accept all, we may be fiesty at times but I can assure you, Canadians ( from every part of the world) truly are light hearted people who simply want peace for all, and a good life for if you hear of this place not a literal place.. It is simply a canadian slang. and I know some of my amercan friends now say we are going to beamsville. meaning across the border. Have a good one. it was first originate by a woman born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I am in Victoria BC, who never wanted any publicity over it. but if you are interested I can found out more.
<quoted text>
Cool...I like it....Thanks for the clarification.

Gilson, IL

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Mar 25, 2007




Nathan wrote:
Oh Bubba; you are such a fruit cake. Let me educate you, you silly kook, A cult is something that is very very hard to find and very easy to join and very hard to leave. On the contrary, Jehovah's Witnesses are very easy to find, Kingdom Halls are every where, very very hard to join, I can assure you ( and here is a test for you, youmay visit but I assure you, you would not get in so fast) and it is very very easy to be dismissed from if you are not leading a righteous life. You my dear have no knowledge on what is truth as these people are intelligent enough to work for God Almighty himself. so I would be mindful before your pea brain splats out and exposes you for the idiot you are and before you have any knowledge of what you are talking about. Get your facts straight. This is certainly just the opinion of a uneducated nut., who probably is gay and has no regard to truth or Jehovah God's requirements in the first place.<quoted text>
Day-am! Is this one person or are the JW apologists all this abrasive and offensive? I seriously thought these people were more benificent in their dealings with others but I'm obviously wrong yet again.

Hmmm, where's my Possible Paths to Salvation list? Here it is, let's see...G....H....I.....J, There it is - Jehovah's Witness! Cross it off!

Hey thanks you guys - this pickin' a faith to follow is easier than I thought it was gonna be!
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