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I found L.C. in December of 1995 at the Memphis Humane Society where he had been left just the day before. He was just a small kitten, was mistaken for a female, and named Georgia. I almost felt guilty for choosing him over the other cats and kittens waiting for adoption because it was obvious that he was going to be beautiful. He already was. I believe he may be at least part Turkish Angora. I changed his name to Elsie because he is a bi-color (black and white) like a Holstein cow! It didn't take long to determine that he was a he, not a she, so I changed the spelling of his name to L. C. -- short for "Love Cat" He is very loving, but is very shy. If company comes, he is nowhere to be found and one would not guess cats even live here -- that is, if they did not shed! Here he is looking at the garden and all the birds and squirrels! L.C. now weighs 13 pounds and has been put on a diet!

L.C's likes:

looking out the window
playing with Cooper
his toy cow
being brushed
tummy rubs

L.C.'s dislikes:

an empty food dish
loud noises
strange people

Baby Cooper Cooper

Cooper is another rescued cat. When he was approximately four weeks old, he was found at the Memphis "Cooper-Young Festival" and taken to the booth manned by my vet. It was love at first sight, and of course, L.C. needed company! I hadn't had Cooper home much more than a week when he got sick and had to see the vet again. Poor baby! She said he had "garbage gut", gave him antibiotics, and he recovered quickly. Fully grown, Cooper is still a relatively small cat compared to L.C.

One of Cooper's favorite things to do is play "King of the Mountain" -- the "mountain" being some part of my anatomy when I'm asleep. He gets on the highest part of me he can find, then dive bombs my feet. I'm instantly awake!

Cooper is also my "alley cat". I learned not to leave groceries, especially loaves of bread or rolls, on the kitchen table. He eats through the plastic wrapper and munches on the bread!

Cooper's likes:

looking out the window
playing with L. C.
playing "king of the mountain"
chasing Tom's laser pointer

Cooper's dislikes:

an empty food dish
strange people

L.C. and Cooper
L.C. and Cooper are best buddies.

These are Tom's cats. Katy on the left, and Sy on the right. The two cats are as different as night and day.

I first met Katy when she was 6 weeks old in May of 1995 only a few days after Tom adopted her. I was only visiting Memphis then -- didn't move here for another month. I got to know her a lot better after moving -- had lots of scratch marks that summer to prove it! Tom chose Katy over her other litter mates because she was so alert and active. We tried lots of names, but never could come up with one that quite suited her, at least not one that Tom thought suited her, so she stayed "Kitty" for a long time, but her name eventually morphed to Katy. Katy doesn't mind the name change. She answers to both, that is when she wants to. Katy is a beautiful dilute calico, mostly white, has a black spot by her ear, on her tail and one of her feet, but her other markings are buff and chocolate. She loves to be loved -- that is on her own terms, of course. She likes rubbing against her humans being rubbed and stroked by us, but sitting in laps ot being held is another matter. She'll only tolerate that a few minutes, then will let you know she wants down. Now! Whoever coined the term "curiosity killed the cat" must have known Katy. She's into everything!

Katy's likes:

looking out the window
high places
Tom's bed
playing with Sy
getting in boxes and bags
opening closed doors

Kitty's dislikes:

an empty food dish
being held
Cooper and L.C.

Sy is a gray and white tabby and has enormous eyes! (My veterinarian's assistant, who has show cats, says he's a blue and white tabby and think's he's beautiful!) He is one of the most affectionate, even tempered cats I have ever known. His litter was on the way to the animal shelter when Tom found him and decided Katy needed a companion. Good choice! He is a real sweetie, laid back and loving -- has to be to get along with Katy!

Sy's likes:

looking out the window
the back of Tom's sofa
playing with Katy, L. C., and Cooper
being loved and loving his people
chasing Tom's laser pointer

Sy's dislikes:

an empty food dish

When Tom and I decided L.C. and Cooper should move in with Kitty and Sy and form a blended cat family, it was an adventure. The diary of their interactions I intended to keep didn't last. Suffice it to say, that for the first couple of days, my two cats stayed under the bed, only venturing out to eat and poop. On about the third day, they became more bold and ventured out farther and longer. After a little more than a month, L.C. decided he was king. Of course Kitty's the queen! She is Katy -- Katherine The Great! L.C., Cooper, and Sy quickly became friends, but poor Kitty still feels betrayed! She'll come around eventually.

The New Puppy

The Great Adventure

Mom and Cindy

Mom and Cindy

Cats From The Past

Somer and Cinder
This is my daughter, Somer, when she was almost 3 with baby Cinder. Cinder


One day when I was in the third grade, I came home from school to find a surprise. My dad had found a tiny kitten in the parking lot where he parked his car. I was given the task of naming her, and since I thought she was so "prissy", her name became Prissy -- actually I named her Priscilla Matilda Magillicutty Rose -- don't ask why -- I was only 7! This photo of Prissy was taken when I was a senior in high school when prissy was 9 -- older than I was when she came to live with us. I can't say we owned her. It was the other way around; she owned us. We were her people. Prissy lived to a ripe old age -- I was married and had children of my own when she passed on. However, she was my first cat, and I still have those memories.

The other day a group of us at work decided to go out to lunch. When we got the parking lot, there was a little black kitten begging for attention. My friend took it home to her children. It is their first cat. My friend says the kitten is now fearless and thinks it owns the house. I think it probably does. I hope they grow up to have as many wonderful memories of that cat as I do of mine.

Please come back soon and see more photos of my kitties

DJ's Gift

Cat Bar

The Wild Road

There's a newly published "Magical, Fantasy Novel about a cat, "The Wild Road".

Check it out.


Links to Lots of Cat Information on the Web

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How to give your cat a pill!

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