The Challenge
Dancing Rook
The World vs Arno Nickel
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[Arno Nickel]

[flip board] GAME OVER: 1-0 [flip board]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 Bc5 6.Nb3 Be7 7.Qg4 g6 8.Qe2 d6 9.O-O Nd7 10.a4 Ne5 11.a5 Nf6 12.Be3 O-O 13.Nc3 Bd7 14.f4 Nxd3 15.cxd3 Bc6 16.f5 exf5 17.exf5 Qd7 18.Qd2 Rfe8 19.Bb6 Ng4 20.Nd4 Bf8 21.Qf4 Ne5 22.Nxc6 bxc6 23.d4 Nd3 24.Qd2 Nb4 25.Rf3 Nd5 26.Nxd5 cxd5 27.Raf1 Rac8 28.h3 Bg7 29.Kh2 Qb5 30.fxg6 fxg6 31.Qg5 Re4 32.Bd8 Re6 33.Bf6 Rf8 34.Bxg7 Rxf3 35.Rxf3 Kxg7 36.b4 h5 37.Qd8 Qe8 38.Qb6 Qc8 39.b5 axb5 40.a6 Re1 41.Qb7+ 1-0
GAME OVER thank you for playingit is now 16:46:34

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Premium Chessgames Member
  Arno Nickel: Hi, dear friends of!
I am sorry I couldn't spare time for your discussions (esp. the Shulman game) last weeks, but I haven't forgot you. Right now I'm very busy preparing the 5th Freestyle Tournament on, March 2nd-4th. If you are interested or even want trying to win the 1st prize, which is US $8'000 in the Final (March 23rd-25th), please read my latest article on the ChessBase site:
See you later!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Artar1: Arno Nickel:

Good luck in you upcoming tournament!

Mar-07-07   trumbull0042: I can't believe the world won this, this is incredible.
Apr-23-07   Whitehat1963: What would have been best play after 32. Bc5 Rxc5?
May-02-07   TheHurricane3: "I can't believe the world won this, this is incredible."

This wasn't a Arno Nickel vs The World match it was a Arno Nickel's Rybka vs The Worlds Rybka match lol

May-02-07   Swyp: "This wasn't a Arno Nickel vs The World match it was a Arno Nickel's Rybka vs The Worlds Rybka match lol"

may want to actually look at how each side operated a bit closer.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Arno Nickel: I am sorry, I couldn't spare any time for further analysis, but I will come back in some weeks. Also I am eager to have a rematch here vs. The World in some months or may be in early 2008. I suppose after another challenge, where you will have White vs. any strong GM. After that we could play the rematch "GMAN-TheWorld" - let's twist again... :) Best regards,

Premium Chessgames Member
  themadhair: We the world await that rematch with eager anticipation.
Jun-10-07   yusuke: hey, where are my comrades?
Premium Chessgames Member
  chancho: The world's first win.
Jul-26-07   RookFile: I was just reading over page 283 again, and smiling. There was an opening decision between Nc3 and a4. Ten minutes before the close of the vote, Nc3 was ahead by 20 votes. With frantic campaigning (due to a live telecasted game that literally had just ended), a4 managed to come back and win, in that 10 minutes span, by 3 votes.
Dec-03-07   dabearsrock1010: 36. b4! I absolutely love this move
Premium Chessgames Member
  benjinathan: <dabearsrock1010> If you love it enough to review the debate about the move, which was intense, you can check out around page 927.
Dec-03-07   dabearsrock1010: <benjinathan> i did and i have to say a lot of moves probably win but i think b4 is the most pleasing to the eye. I think Hugin's comment summed up my feelings about it (I don't remember what page its on, but he just mentions the pawn is poison so the move helps the pawn structure, and also the threat of Qd8 still remains)
Dec-07-07   661973: who is the winner ?
Jan-09-08   D.Observer: Hmm, can Arno Nickel win the game with 41. ... Qxb7 42. axb7 Re8 ?
Premium Chessgames Member
  kellmano: Apologies if you're joking, but black's rook is then tied down to blocking white's b-pawn. White's rook takes black's b-pawn then wins on the kingside, as he will always be able to lose a tempo by vertical moves of the rook.

GMAN knew the chance of a white blunder was slim.

Premium Chessgames Member
  just a kid: Wow!You guys(and girls)Played a great game!I wish I could've been a part of it.Unfortunatly I wasn't on this site yet.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Hugin: Arno Nickel had a draw late as move 32...
32..Re6? was a mistake...
32..Rc2! 33.Bf6 Ree2 34.Rg3 Rf2 35.Rxf2 Rxf2 36.Bxg7 Kxg7 37.Qe7+ Rf7 38.Qxd6 Qxa5 39.Rg5 Rf6 40.Qe7+ Rf7 41.Qe5+ Kh6 42.Qxd5 Qxd5 43.Rxd5 Rb7 44.Ra5 Rxb2 45.Rxa6 Rd2 46.Ra4 Rd3 47.g3 Rd2+ 48.Kg1 Kg5 49.Ra5+ Kf6 50.Rd5 Ke6 51.Re5+ draw was much better.
Jul-17-08   Ezzy: I didn't participate in this game, but I would like to congratulate all participants on an incredible and masterful victory.

The organisation was first class. An outstanding effort by everyone involved.

This world team is getting a fearsome reputation!

Truly awesome!!

Premium Chessgames Member
  Karpova: <Hugin>
See themadhair chessforum (Dec-04-06 already has some discussion but the forum was designated to this move on Dec-05-06) for the discussion on this move. The continuation you chose for white (33.Bf6) was considered a weak option, 33.Rf7 being considered the best (and 33.Kh1 still better than 33.Bf6).
Premium Chessgames Member
  Dionyseus: I thought it would be interesting to see how new technology views this 2006 game, so I performed over 15 hours of analysis with Aquarium's IDeA using the new Rybka 3 engine on white's 19th move, which happens to be one of the most memorable moments for me for this game.

For those who are not familiar with Aquarium's IDeA mode, I reccommend this page:

In the tree that Aquarium created, 19.Bg5 was first with +0.26, 19.Bb6 was second with +0.18, and 19.Bd4 was third with +0.11.

Here are the two main lines created by Aquarium:

1) 19.Bg5 Nh5 20.Nd4 d5 21.Kh1 Qd6 22.Bxe7 Qxe7 23.Qf2 g5 24.f6 Qe3 25.Qf5 Qe5 26.Qxe5 Rxe5 27.Nf3

click for larger view

Analysis by Rybka 3:
27... Re6 28. Nxg5 Rxf6 29. Kg1 Re8 30. Rxf6 Nxf6 31. Nf3 Kg7 32. Re1 Rxe1+ 33. Nxe1 Kf8 34. h3 Ke7 35. Kf2 Kd6 36. d4 Ne8 37. Nc2 Ke6 +0.32 depth=19

2) 19.Bb6 Ng4 20.Nd4 Bf8 21.Qf4 Ne5 22.Qg3 d5 23.Rae1 Bd6 24.fxg6 fxg6 25.Nf5 Nf7 26.Nxd6 Nxd6 27.Qf4

click for larger view

analysis by Rybka 3:
27... Rxe1 28. Rxe1 Rf8 29. Qd4 Nf5 30. Qe5 Qf7 31. Qf4 Ng7 32. Qxf7+ Kxf7 33. Rf1+ Kg8 34. Rxf8+ Kxf8 35. Kf2 Kf7 36. b4 Nf5 +0.13 depth=21

Premium Chessgames Member
  classF: <Dionyseus> during the game, Rybka recommended Bg5 three times, on moves 12, 18 and 19, none of which the team followed.

<RV Oct-23-06:

1. (0.30): 19.Bg5 Qd8 20.Nd4 Nd7 21.h4 d5

2. (0.19): 19.Bb6 Ng4 20.Nd4 Bf8 21.Qf4 Ne5 22.Nxc6 bxc6 23.d4 Nd3 24.Qd2 Nb4 25.Rf3>

Premium Chessgames Member
  Dionyseus: <classF> Yes at that time I was one of the major supporters for 19.Bb6. In retrospect 19.Bg5 might have been a win for us as well, and perhaps was the stronger move.
Aug-28-08   RookFile: Well, you're only throwing red meat in front of me. You can go back to the game, and look at page after page where I pleaded for Bg5 at those times.

In fact, as part of the 'objective' analysis that went on, in one case, I analyzed Bg5 followed by Qd2, and observed that it was promising. Certain individuals, in writing up a summary, gave some bogus analysis, in dismissing this. Now - here's the interesting thing. These guys advocated Qd2, and in one subline, Bg5. In other words, this lead to the <exact same position> that I was analyzing - but this time, they had all kinds of analysis to say that White was better.

So, I went to bed one night, with Bg5 safely in the lead, and woke up the next morning to read this nonsense, but the voting had been done over night, and there was no changing it.

It all turned out happily ever after anyway, of course.

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