London m

  PARTICIPANTS (sorted by highest achieved rating; click on name to see player's games)
Wilhelm Steinitz, Paul Morphy, Joseph Henry Blackburne, Adolf Anderssen, Louis Paulsen, Howard Staunton, H W Popert, Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint Amant, Johannes Zukertort, James Mason, Alexander McDonnell, William Norwood Potter, Isidor Gunsberg, Samuel Rosenthal, Valentine Green, Henry Edward Bird, Ignatz Von Kolisch, John Owen, Johann Jacob Loewenthal, Amos Burn, Thomas Wilson Barnes, George Alcock MacDonnell, Ye Jiangchuan, Keith Arkell, Christopher Ward, Neil R McDonald, W Fraser, John Wisker

 page 1 of 1; 19 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  ½-½12 1880 London mC49 Four Knights
2. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  ½-½37 1880 London mC44 King's Pawn Game
3. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal 1-030 1880 London mC49 Four Knights
4. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  ½-½34 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
5. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  ½-½24 1880 London mC67 Ruy Lopez
6. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  ½-½63 1880 London mC67 Ruy Lopez
7. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  ½-½26 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
8. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  0-160 1880 London mC67 Ruy Lopez
9. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  ½-½57 1880 London mA00 Uncommon Opening
10. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort 1-048 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
11. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  ½-½16 1880 London mD04 Queen's Pawn Game
12. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort 0-147 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
13. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal 1-048 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
14. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  0-137 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
15. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal 1-059 1880 London mD02 Queen's Pawn Game
16. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  ½-½49 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
17. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  ½-½24 1880 London mA20 English
18. S Rosenthal vs Zukertort  ½-½39 1880 London mC65 Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense
19. Zukertort vs S Rosenthal  1-037 1880 London mA28 English
 page 1 of 1; 19 games  PGN Download 
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

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