Photo by Frederic Friedel.  
Nigel Short
Number of games in database: 2,030
Years covered: 1974 to 2008
Current FIDE rating: 2655
Highest rating achieved in database: 2712
Overall record: +654 -414 =837 (56.3%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games
      Based on games in the database; may be incomplete.
      125 exhibition games, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (454) 
    B90 B23 B33 B40 B32
 Ruy Lopez (175) 
    C92 C84 C86 C78 C80
 French Defense (120) 
    C11 C18 C10 C19 C02
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (88) 
    C92 C84 C86 C93 C95
 Caro-Kann (87) 
    B12 B10 B17 B11 B18
 Sicilian Najdorf (79) 
    B90 B92 B93 B91 B97
With the Black pieces:
 French Defense (158) 
    C05 C18 C11 C07 C01
 Ruy Lopez (109) 
    C92 C69 C89 C77 C65
 Queen's Pawn Game (75) 
    E00 A46 D02 A40 A45
 Orthodox Defense (75) 
    D58 D55 D59 D54 D63
 Queen's Gambit Declined (74) 
    D37 D35 D36 D31 D30
 French Tarrasch (67) 
    C05 C07 C03 C09 C04
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NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   Short vs Timman, 1991 1-0
   Short vs R Miles, 1976 1-0
   Short vs Kasparov, 1993 1-0
   Short vs Kasparov, 1993 1/2-1/2
   Short vs Kasparov, 1993 1-0
   Short vs I Cheparinov, 2008 1-0
   Short vs Gelfand, 1991 1-0
   Short vs Karpov, 1992 1-0
   Short vs B Kimber, 1975 1-0
   Short vs Akopian, 1997 1-0

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: [what is this?]
   Kasparov-Short World Championship Match (1993)

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   Tilburg Interpolis 1988 by suenteus po 147
   Tilburg Interpolis 1991 by suenteus po 147
   Tilburg Interpolis 1990 by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1987 by suenteus po 147
   WCC Index [Timman-Short 1993] by suenteus po 147
   Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens 1986 by suenteus po 147
   Nigel Short in King´s Gambit by Animus Archetype
   WCC Index [Short-Gulko 1994] by suenteus po 147
   Linares 1990 by suenteus po 147

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(born Jun-01-1965) United Kingdom

[what is this?]
Nigel David Short was a bona fide chess prodigy. He defeated Korchnoi in a simul at the age of 10. In 1977 at the age of 12 he became by far the youngest ever participant in the British Chess Championship. When Nigel was 14, he tied for 1st place in the British Championship.

He rose to dominate English chess in the late 80's, following in the wake of Anthony Miles. He defeated Anatoli Karpov and Jan Timman in Candidates' matches to earn the right to play Garry Kasparov in the Kasparov-Short World Championship Match (1993). The match was played under the auspices of the PCA (Professional Chess Association), outside of FIDE's jurisdiction. He lost to Kasparov 7.5 to 12.5.

In recent years, Short has taken first place in several major chess events, including the Hunguest Hotels Super Chess Tournament (2003), the Gibraltar Masters (2004), the Politiken Cup (2006), the European Union Individual Championships (2006), and the Bazna King's Tournament (2008).

He is currently residing in Greece.

 page 1 of 82; games 1-25 of 2,030 
Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Short vs H Wright 1-030 1974 AthertonC30 King's Gambit Declined
2. Short vs B Kimber 1-017 1975 ENGC61 Ruy Lopez, Bird's Defense
3. Portisch vs Short  ½-½37 1975 Simultaneous exhibitionB30 Sicilian
4. Short vs J Cox 1-021 1975 LondonB07 Pirc
5. Short vs P Fenton 1-040 1975 SCCU Junior Championships U-14C78 Ruy Lopez
6. S J Hooker vs Short 0-125 1975 Enfield OpenC18 French, Winawer
7. Short vs Ferrand 1-022 1976 ManchesterD07 Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense
8. Short vs G Knapton 1-015 1976 Lancashire vs Durham County MatchC77 Ruy Lopez
9. Short vs R Miles 1-025 1976 LondonB07 Pirc
10. Short vs J Benjamin 1-044 1976 London txB41 Sicilian, Kan
11. Korchnoi vs Short 0-147 1976 London smC05 French, Tarrasch
12. Short vs M Macdonald Ross 1-027 1976 Charlton OpenC12 French, McCutcheon
13. Short vs Hartston 0-119 1976 BBC TV Master GameA32 English, Symmetrical Variation
14. Hambrook vs Short 0-121 1976 ENGC17 French, Winawer, Advance
15. Miles vs Short 1-038 1976 Charlton OpenA44 Old Benoni Defense
16. Short vs Karpov 0-159 1977 London smB21 Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4
17. Short vs N Littlewood 1-022 1977 ManchesterB06 Robatsch
18. Short vs J Penrose 1-041 1977 ENGB40 Sicilian
19. Compx Chess 46 vs Short 0-111 1977 London m/7C32 King's Gambit Declined, Falkbeer Counter Gambit
20. Short vs A Sendur  1-032 1977 World Cadet ChampionshipB22 Sicilian, Alapin
21. Short vs Flear 1-020 1977 BrightonC77 Ruy Lopez
22. Short vs M Fuller 1-020 1977 London, EnglandB30 Sicilian
23. Cafferty vs Short  1-031 1977 BrightonA30 English, Symmetrical
24. Short vs J J Carleton  1-043 1978 Ayr British chC60 Ruy Lopez
25. Short vs M Haygarth  ½-½18 1978 Ayr British chC15 French, Winawer
 page 1 of 82; games 1-25 of 2,030 
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Short wins | Short loses  

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Kibitzer's Corner
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Sep-14-08   Alphastar: <HannibalSchlecter> if you dont like those sounds, complain about it to whoever is in charge. I'm sure if the guy farting repeats his behaviour, something will be done about it. Regarding the other case, I doubt the 90 year old guy makes those sounds on purpose - I know a guy from a chess club with similar problems.

I don't know the particulars as to why cell phones were banned from chess, but I can imagine that if there is no specific penalty for a cell phone going off, the next thing you can do is call someone while you're playing a chess game. Which makes receiving outside help that much easier. You can't do that with farting as far as I know.

Sep-14-08   HannibalSchlecter: <Alphastar> No he doesn't do it on purpose, and for that reason the surrounding players politely try and block it out. To strengthen his concentration, Botvinnik had his trainer blow smoke in his face and play loud music. I suppose I'm getting similar benefits sitting next to cappuccino man.
Sep-14-08   TheSlid: OMG it's ages since I was last on this site, I hope the quality of debate on other boards is a bit higher. This guy want to ban farting at the chess table and turn it into a concession event. JHFC.
Sep-14-08   HannibalSchlecter: The topic makes some uncomfortable, which is why it doesn't get brought up at the chess meetings, hence the problem lingers. I'm a little suspicious of this guy who has a problem with the farting ban. I've never met someone who was pro-fart before but here we have one. Admit it fella, you would have something to lose if they ever imposed a penalty for it.
Premium Chessgames Member
  sallom89: what a topic.....?
Premium Chessgames Member
  whiskeyrebel: The menace of flatulence in the chess clubs and tournament halls of the world has for far too long gone unaddressed. I for one hold that if you can't control yourself you should switch to correspondence competition where you can let your butt trumpet blow at will. There should be a zero tolerance rule for farting, excessive pattern sniffling (and snot swallowing) and audible food mastication. I've had games ruined over the years by all three practices. It's time for either a crack down or bringing back smoking and drinking at the board to allow us to combat these peoples rudeness.
Sep-14-08   ILikeFruits: i fart...
to win...
my fart...
your nose...
my victory...
Sep-15-08   gus inn: <Nigel> I found it quite charming that you yesterday just beat a guy named Lopez , in a a .. Ruy Lopez ! :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  Woody Wood Pusher: <The menace of flatulence in the chess clubs>

I cannot think of a more appropriate player page than <Short's> for this discussion to come up. He made a name for himself with foolish antics off the board...and this is the result! LOL

Sep-15-08   HannibalSchlecter: "A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men."- Willy Wonka
Premium Chessgames Member
  ketchuplover: Sometimes I have brain farts :)
Sep-16-08   unsound: Nigel's persistence today against Conquest got him right back into contention, since almost everyone else on the top boards drew. Black against Adams tomorrow looks like a tough assignment though.
Sep-17-08   unsound: OK actually it wasn't tough.
Premium Chessgames Member
  blacksburg: <Regarding the other case, I doubt the 90 year old guy makes those sounds on purpose - I know a guy from a chess club with similar problems.>

well, i doubt that anyone has their cell phone go off in a match on purpose, either.

<It's time for either a crack down or bringing back smoking and drinking at the board to allow us to combat these peoples rudeness.>


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