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Active Faith

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And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. —Matthew 21:22

The devil cannot hinder those who believe they receive when they pray.

A woman in our church was abandoned by her husband. She prayed for his return, and she believed she received when she prayed. There was no evidence to support her belief as one year turned into two and then three.

One day she said to me, "Pastor, my family thinks I am crazy, because I am still waiting. But I believed I received when I prayed, and there is nothing I can do now except thank God that I shall have it."

That faithful woman believed for twelve long years. One day she called and said, "My husband came to my house and said he had an experience with God. He asked if I could forgive him and let him back into the family."

How long are you willing to wait on God—a day, a week, a month, a year, a lifetime? Are you willing to wait for as long as it takes?

I had the joy of renewing their marriage vows, and they are still happily married today. Why? She believed she received when she prayed.

Lord, I will wait on Your will, in Your
way, and in Your timing. I know that
by trusting in You, I will receive
Your best. Amen.

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