Advertising with Google AdSense

I have deciding to do a 3 month experiment with advertisement on my applet games. I use Google AdSense. The results: What I get paid and how much traffic there was during the period I will post here.

I had numerous considerations in doing this:

Keeping a decent layout. This is a foremost and I think this service has takes their content providers seriously since they do offer a good set of possibilities for changing color and size of the ads. I chose the smallest of the possible sizes and I have tried my best to adjust the colours to suit my pages which was possible in most cases.

Breaking out of frames to limit advertisement overload from game portals. I don’t have any problems with doing that. Most likely the subtle textads of Google will give my users a much better experience than the disturbing banners they are used to. The only problem I have is that this may be problematic for google’s counting of my traffic since a breakout may cause a double hit in their statistics.

Selecting proper keywords to guide both search engines and the advertisement system. Since the game pages contain little or no text, metadata keywords is only way of guiding an automatic search engine or advertisement engine.

I have given every game 10 keywords. The keywords fall in three groups:

If you have any problems with my new ad driven commercialism, then please do tell. If you for some reason need a non ad ridden version of my games - then throw me an email.

-- posted at 2004-01-27 09:16:23

Throwing in some updates on Spacerace to Timbuktu. The level count is up to 20 now. Check it out.

-- Christian at 2004-02-02 20:33:25

Update: Apparently Google does not support meta keywords nor descriptions. And I am not allowed to tell how much I make on their AdSense service. No reason to bite the hand that is feeding you.

-- Christian at 2004-02-04 22:11:34

Full list of games added.

-- Christian at 2004-03-05 16:40:12

Added hiscore to Spacerace to Timbuktu. Made a nice font too.

-- Christian at 2004-03-08 13:17:34

Ticked the version count of Taleban vs. Robot up to 1.0. It is all yours now.

-- Christian at 2004-03-18 10:43:11

Added several new levels to Erik vs. Erik.

-- Christian at 2004-03-22 11:23:25

New game added: mr. Hopwit.

-- Christian at 2004-04-20 19:03:43

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