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Robert Wood "Fields of Blue"

Texas is not all desert and cactus as many think. In the spring, the hill country is alive with the most incredibly beautiful wildflowers one could imagine. This is what the TEXAS HILL COUNTRY really looks like during
"Bluebonnet Season".
That "Sweet Bluebonnet Spring"

Before I moved from Mississippi to Texas, I couldn't understand why people who live there are so defensive about it
...why do Texans love Texas so much?

Ever heard the saying, "Texas, It's a whole other country"?

It's True

Did you know that Texas is the only state in the United States to have been a "Republic" before it was a state?
Before you go being so judgemental about the accent -- Texan's Twang, and and their arrogance, think again. It's not arrogance, it's Pride -- Texas Pride -- and they have reason to be proud -- everything
bigger and better in Texas!!!!! When I lived in Austin I saw a bumper sticker that said,
"On Earth As It Is In Austin"
That is so true! As far as I'm concerned, Austin IS Heaven on Earth!

Texas is a big, wonderful state. Hope you enjoy visiting Texas as much as I enjoyed living there.

Whut Makes You Thank Teksuns Tawk Funny?
State of Texas Government World Wide Web
Travel Texas
The Texas Weekender
Austin American-Statesman
Austin City Links
Austin Record Stores
The University of Texas

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