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I have divided the collection into two sections -- "Works by Pynchon," and "Works about Pynchon." Clicking on a book will take you out of the Libyrinth and to, where you may read a brief description of that work -- there is no obligation to buy. You may either return to Spermatikos Logos or shop around at If the title you are after does not appear below, feel free to use the Search Engines at the end of the page. They are especially helpful in finding out-of-print books.

Works by Pynchon --Novels, Essays, & Introductions.

Works about Pynchon -- Critcism, Biography & Guides.

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Recent or Forthcoming Pynchon Titles

Lines of Flight: Discursive Time and Countercultural Desire in the Work of Thomas Pynchon
Stefan Mattessich
Duke University press, 2002, ISBN 0822329948; Hardcover $21.95.
From the Publisher: "
For Thomas Pynchon, the characteristic features of late capitalism — the rise of the military-industrial complex, consumerism, bureaucratization and specialization in the workplace, standardization at all levels of social life, and the growing influence of the mass media — all point to a transformation in the way human beings experience time and duration. Focusing on Pynchon’s novels as representative artifacts of the postwar period, Stefan Mattessich analyzes this temporal transformation in relation not only to Pynchon’s work but also to its literary, cultural, and theoretical contexts."

Thomas Pynchon's Narratives: Subjectivity and Problems of Knowing (Modern American Literature, Vol. 24.)
Alan W. Brownlie / Hardcover / Published 2000
Our Price: $50.95
From the Publisher: "In his first three novels, Thomas Pynchon focuses in part on the inability to achieve reliable knowledge of the self and the world. As a consequence of this and of the events around which Pynchon builds these early novels, V., The Crying of Lot 49, and Gravity's Rainbow tend to be read as nihilistic. This book focuses on Pynchon's use of ideas of western history, philosophy, and science to arrive at a reading that suggests that Pynchon's project in these early novels is to provoke his readers into taking precisely the sort of personal and political action his characters cannot."

Companion to V.
J. Kerry Grant / Hardcover
Our Price: $40.00

Companion to V.
J. Kerry Grant / Paperback
Our Price: $16.20

From the Publisher: To the uninitiated, Thomas Pynchon's V. seems to defy comprehension with its open-ended and fragmented narrative, huge cast of characters (some 150 of them), and wide range of often obscure references. J. Kerry Grant's Companion to "V." takes us through the novel chapter by chapter, breaking through its daunting surface by summarizing events and clarifying Pynchon's many allusions. The Companion draws extensively from existing critical and explicative work on V. to suggest the range of interpretations that the novel can support. The hundreds of notes that comprise the Companion are keyed to the three most widely cited editions of V. Most notes are interpretive, but some also provide historical and cultural contexts or help to resurrect other nuances of meaning. Because it does not constitute a particular "reading" of, or "take" on, the novel, the Companion will appeal to a wide range of users. Rather than attempting to make final sense of the novel, the Companion exposes and demystifies Pynchon's intent to play with our conventional attitudes about fiction.

The Diary of William Pynchon of Salem
William Pynchon / Hardcover
Our Price: $28.50 (Not Yet Published -- June 2003)

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Bibliofind Search -- This link searches for rare and out-of-print books by or about Pynchon via Bibliofind.

Powell's Bookstore

Powell's Search -- This link searches for rare and out-of-print books by or about Pynchon via Powell's Bookstore.

--A. Ruch
3 January 2003

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