
El labertino de tu incertidumbre /
Me trama con la disquietante luna

This page is intended to be a miscellaneous collection of Pynchonalia --things which don't really fit anywhere else on the site. It contains fictional sketches, book reviews, film notices, and anything else pertaining to the world of Pynchon.

The Collection

Weissmann's Tarot -- Airman Lance Durston, sent by Them, performs a Tarot spread for a man called Blicero.

Future Plans

--A controversial biography of Dr. L Jamf

--A review of the recently restored film, Alpdrücken

--A. Ruch
Dr Larry Daw
18 December 2002

"Welcome to Dr. Larry's World of Discomfort," he would whisper, going through the paperwork.
Contact Dr Larry Daw if you have any questions or comments about Pynchon.

"Goodo," said Picnic, blinking. "Man, look at the quail."
Contact the Great Quail if you have any suggestions, submissions, or criticisms about this site.