The Hamster

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers

Frequently Asked Questions
The Pomona College Pynchon site holds a Pynchon FAQ file; so this FAQ will not duplicate any of that information. The following questions are some of the more common things visitors ask about Spermatikos Logos. If you'd like to know more about and the Libyrinth, feel free to visit the Site Information page, accessible from the button in the upper right corner.

Who runs this site?
Why, two fellows run this site, Dr Larry Daw, and Allen B. Ruch, the author of this FAQ file, although I tend to use my online nickname of the Quail. I am the Editorial Director of, and I run Spermatikos Logos as its site editor as well. An artist, novelist, and critic, Larry has written extensively on Pynchon and other postmodern concerns.

Do you know where Thomas Pynchon lives? And why haven't you published information on Pynchon sigtings?
I've heard that he lives in New York; but I refuse to publish any additional information or modern "paparazzi" pictures. He has made it quite clear that he enjoys his anonymity; and I shall respect that. For all I know, he's the kind fellow who shares a Guinness with me at my favorite Brooklyn pub. (Oh, wait -- I think that's JD Salinger.)

Do you accept submissions?
Absolutely! Spermatikos Logos is meant to be a community effort, and I gladly accept quality submissions such as reviews, papers, essays, or Pynchonian projects. Just drop me a line and we can discuss your idea.

Do you answer all your email?
Yes. I run quite a few sites and I get over 50 email messages a day. I try to answer most of the letters that people send me; but it usually takes me a few days. Don't let this discourage you from dropping me a note; I place a tremendous value on feedback of any sort, especially corrections, suggestions, and shameless flattery. Just understand that it may take a bit of time for me to reply. If it is very important and/or time sensitive, such as a request for permission to use Spermatikos Logos materials for an upcoming project, or an offer to take Tori Amos out on a date next Saturday night, please write IMPORTANT in capital letters in the subject line. I will try to get to it immediately.

How do I cite this Web site on a report?
That may very well depend on your instructor. Usually it is appropriate to give the site name -- Spermatikos Logos -- with the URL, a date, and our names -- Allen B. Ruch & Dr Larry Daw. You may want to cite an individual page, in which case the URL is appropriate.

Can you offer me help on a school project or a research paper?
I often get asked to provide facts, ideas, topics, and other assistance on a research paper, and occasionally someone asks if I can email them some additional material on Pynchon. As much as I would like to, I simply do not have the time to offer individualized help on research papers. All the information I have I eventually place online at an appropriate location, and I try to feature various books of criticism and links to other sites that may be of assistance to students.

Can you send me extra criticism or information about Pynchon or his work?
No -- quite simply, because if you don't see it on my site, I don't have it. I put everything I can online; sometimes it may take awhile, but it'll get there. I swear I'm not holding out -- I am not sitting on a copy of Pynchon's autobiography or anything like that. (Or so I say, heh heh heh.)

Boy, you sound grumpy. Do you ever answer any questions?
Sure! As a matter of fact, I enjoy some of the more offbeat questions. I just won't answer the kind of questions that can very easily be answered by, say, a nearby encyclopedia. (Like when people ask me, "Did Thomas Pynchon serve in the military?" or something like that.) Again, I am not trying to be rude, I just need to conserve my time.

The links on your pages sure do have long, funny names! Are those quotes from Pynchon's works?
Yes. One of the joys of creating this site is finding quotes that set off my different subsections -- I try to select quotes with a certain degree of appropriateness or irony; but occasionally I just choose one because I like the sound of it. On a related note, I absently failed to write down the exact source of each quote, and I have discovered that I no longer remember where I found some of them! So I am sorry to say that I cannot provide that information.

--A. Ruch
13 November 2002

"Welcome to Dr. Larry's World of Discomfort," he would whisper, going through the paperwork.
Contact Dr Larry Daw if you have any questions or comments about Pynchon.

"Goodo," said Picnic, blinking. "Man, look at the quail."
Contact the Great Quail if you have any suggestions, submissions, or criticisms about this site.