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Here are some links to other chess sites you may find useful. If you're looking here for links regarding assistance with Scid, see the Resources page.

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Link sections on this page:
Chess News - Game Files - Chess Engines - Internet Chess

Chess News

The chess news websites I visit most often are The Week In Chess (see below) and Net Chess News. Both have frequent updates, games in PGN and Net Chess News also has a nice JavaScript game viewer.

Game Files

Chess game files on the internet are of varying quality, both in terms of player strength and consistency of data. Adding poor-quality games to a high quality database pollutes the information, making tree results, search results and opening reports less useful. You can get a high-quality database containing over a million games at a very low price, and support Scid development at the same time! See the Scid CD-ROM page for details.

For some of the better chess game sites on the internet, check out the following links. Most have PGN (Portable Game Notation) files which can be opened in Scid.

TWIC There are many websites with files of chess games in PGN format, but my favorite is The Week In Chess (TWIC) which produces a weekly file of top-level international chess games and has great news coverage.

Lars Balzer has a huge list of links to many websites with games in PGN format, although some of the sites only have game files in commercial database formats.

For more information on the PGN and EPD formats, read the PGN standard.

Chess engines

Scid comes with a simple built-in chess program called Scidlet, but there are many stronger chess-playing programs (known as chess engines) available on the internet; almost any WinBoard-compatible engine should work in Scid. Engines which only support the UCI protocol cannot yet be used in Scid.

A very popular free engine is Crafty. The Crafty website also has endgame tablebases which can be used in Scid.

If you're looking for an even stronger engine, the strongest free chess program around is Ruffian.

WBEC Ridderkirk. is a great site with information, ratings and tournament results for many WinBoard-compatible engines.

Internet Chess Interfaces

Scid is a chess database application; it is not an interface for playing on Internet chess servers like FICS or playing against a chess program. For that functionality, check out Xboard/WinBoard by Tim Mann.

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Page updated: 10 Mar 2004