Scid - Screenshots
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Here are some Scid screenshots, from versions 3.2 and 3.3. (Yes they are fairly old; new ones will be made in the next few days, now that Scid 3.6 has been released.) Click on an image for a full-size version.

Main Tree Game List Crosstable
Main window Tree & tree graph Game list Crosstable
Repertoire Player Info ECO Browser Piece Tracker
Repertoire editor Player info,
rating graph
ECO Browser Piece Tracker
Analysis Tmt Finder
Analysis and
score graph
Tournament finder

Sample export files

Scid can export games in PGN, HTML, or LaTeX format. Here is a sample PGN file, how it looks exported to HTML, and how it looks as a PDF (37 KB) file produced from LaTeX export format.

Scid can save opening reports in HTML, LaTeX, or plain text format. Here is a sample opening report generated by Scid in plain text, HTML, and the same report exported in LaTeX format, when converted to a PDF file.

Note that files saved by Scid in LaTeX format use a chess font and package that is often not included in standard LaTeX installations. See the Using LaTeX with Scid page for more information.

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© 2004 Shane Hudson
Page updated: 11 Dec 2003