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Valerij Smirnov vs Viacheslav Dydyshko
Minsk 1994  ·  King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation. Modern System (E97)  ·  0-1

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  al wazir: My idea was 32...Nfxe4 33. Ra7 Qxa7 34. Nxa7 (so far, so good) Nf2+ 35. Kg1 Bg4. White is in a heap of trouble, but I think he can wiggle out.
Premium Chessgames Member
  KokeFischer: First?!
Well... Nxe4 is a natural move but which one? Nf6 because now Rook is going to attack Of course, White gets the Queen with Ra7 and... I could not solve it :-)
Premium Chessgames Member
  RandomVisitor: 32...Ng4 also wins.
Premium Chessgames Member
  dzechiel: Black to move (32...?). White is up a pawn. "Very Difficult."

Things to notice here are that white threatens Ra7 pinning and winning the black queen, AND that if black can open the f-file under the right circumstances, the white king is very vulnerable to a back rank checkmate by the rook.

Yeah, I think it must be


White can't capture with 33 Bxe4 because of 33...Rf1#. So, I guess white goes with his original plan anyway...

33 Ra7 Qxa7 34 Nxa7 Rf2

If white tries 35 Qxf2 then 35...Nxf2+ 36 Kg1 Nxd3 winning a bishop after the smoke clears.

But if white moves to protect the queen with something like

35 Qb1



seals the fate of the white king with the upcoming 36...Rxh2#.

I went back and forth on this position, the move 34...Rf2 being the hard one for me to find.

Time to check.

Premium Chessgames Member
  lost in space: 32... Nfxe4!
White can not take on e4 due to mate with Rf1

33. Ra7 Qxa7 34. Nxa7 Rf2! 35. Ne3

This was the only move I found were White don't loose directly; e.g. 35. Be2? Bg2+36. Kg1 Nh3#
or 35. Qf2 Nxf2+ 36. Kg1 Nxd3
A: b5? Nf3+ 38. Kh1 Nf2#
B: 37. Nd2 e4! 38. Nb5 Nf3+ 39. Nxf3 exf3 40. Nd4 (40. Kh1 f2 41. Nxd6 f1Q#) 40..f2+ 38. Kh1 Nf2#

35...Nf3 36. Qc7+
or 36. b5? Rxc2 37. Bxc2 Nf2#

36...Kh6 37. Ng4+ Bxg4 38. Qc1+ Neg5

and now mate will follow. The most easy one after 39. b5 Rxh2

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Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: I'm sticking with my theory that the theme of the week is a knight sacrifice.

From the starting position, the move we would love to play is Rf1#. Of course, we can't play it at the moment because the white Bd3 defends and our Nf6 is in the way.

So 32. ... Nfxe4 appeals because it achieves half of our fantasy position (by moving the knight) and if 33. Bxe4 we have achieved the second part too.

But now we need to do the hard work of checking all the white defences. Ra7 is a biggie - are we happy that we can afford to give away her majesty? We also need to decide how we will proceed if white just tries to hunker down and defend.

So we need to find Rf2 and Nf3, to open up a second focal point for our attack. White can keep f1 defended, but he can't also defend h2.

Good puzzle. Finding the first move is definitely not enough. White has many defences and black is still material down.

Incidentally, Fritz finds a mate in 8 after 34. Rf2

1... Nfxe4 2. Ra7 Qxa7 3. Nxa7 Rf2 4. Qxf2 Nxf2+ 5. Kg1 Nxd3 6. Nd2 e4 7. b5 Nf3+ 8. Nxf3 exf3 9. Kh1 f2 10. b6 f1=Q# 0-1

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And at long last we have our mate on f1.

Incidentally, Fritz also says that 32. Ng4 works, again because the threat of Rf2 is so strong. One possible line

32 ... Ng4 33. Ra7 Qxa7 34. Nxa7 Rf2 35. Qxf2 Nxf2+ 36. Kg1 Nxd3 37. Nd2 Nxb4

And black is a safe piece up.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Jimfromprovidence: If white plays 33 Nd2 the position is another decent puzzle.

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Sep-13-08   zooter: I too got Nfxe4 but Rf2 is a little difficult to find....(followed by the killer Nf3)

I'm also interested in knowing what the continuation for 33.Nd2 is as pointed by <Jimfromprovidence>

Sep-13-08   eblunt: I think this shows up that the Ra7 was weaker than white thought. Wins Queen for rook, but doesn't start a real attack and gifts a tempo to black. Black shows that the tempo is worth more than white wins on a7.
Premium Chessgames Member
  OhioChessFan: A rare Saturday where I found the game continuation. Ra7 was sort of pointless, like a Spite Queen-Check, but White was amazingly limited in moves.
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  realbrob: I think 32..Ng4 wins as well.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Once: 33. Nd2 Nf2+ 34. Kg1 Kh6

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Now black has a strong attack and 35. Ra7 is strongly met by 35. ... Qb6. Depending on how white replies, black can think about moves like Qf7 and Nf3+. Although material is level, Fritz reckons that black is well ahead - evals over -7.

I can't claim any personal credit for this - silicon doing the hard work. It shows how hard these positions are.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Woody Wood Pusher: I underestimated 34..Rf2 badly and ended up with this line instead...

32..Rfxe4 33. Ra7, Qxa7 34. Nxa7, Nf2+ 35. Kg1, Nf3+ !? 36. Kxf2, Nd4+ 37. Ke3, Nxc2+ 38. Bxc2 (+2.0)

black has rook for 2 knights and should be able to hold if it wasn't for white's nasty passed b-pawn.

anyone else see this?

Sep-13-08   zb2cr: I found the first move ( 32. ... Nfxe4 ) easily enough, and 33. Ra7, Qxa7; 34. Nxa7, but then I bogged down. So I can't claim credit for this one.
Sep-13-08   stacase: According to my rules, I get to post having discerned the correct next move. But I can't see why White resigns. Well I'm only a 1400 elo and that was 1992 so I'm just not that clairvoyant.

White is up a Queen and passed Pawn to a Rook. And I don't see the forced mate.

Oh well!

Premium Chessgames Member
  DarthStapler: I got the first two moves
Sep-13-08   birobidjan: My idea : 32...Cgxe4 then 33...Cfxe4 to give the rook a way to the white king...
Sep-13-08   birobidjan: 32...Cg4 works also, I think.
Premium Chessgames Member
  ToTheDeath: <WWP: I underestimated 34..Rf2 badly and ended up with this line instead...

anyone else see this?>

Yes I did not find Rf2 either, instead I was looking at knight moves which aren't nearly as good.

Sep-13-08   moi: On 33.Nd2, I suggest the following sequence:
33 ... Nf2+
34 Kg1 Nf3+
35 Kxf2 Nd4+
36 Kg1 Nxc2
37 Ra7 Qxa7
and white has a rook for a knight. It could give this: 38 Nxa7 Ne3
39 Be4 Rb8, and white's b pawn get lost after b5 Rb7.

Kh6 seems OK, though. But this is a direct win, without computer. ;)

Sep-13-08   Dr. J: <stacase> Black is threatening 36 ... Rxc2 and 37 ... Nf2# or Rxh2#. White's N must protect g2, so White's B must protect f1 (e.g., <36 Bxe4 Bg2+ 37 Nxg2 Rf1#> - the prettiest line,) and the Q must defend h2 (e.g., <36 Bf1 Rxc2 37 Bxh3 Rxh2#>). If 36 Qxf2 Nxf2+ 37 Kg1 Nxd3 38 b5(?) Nf3+ 39 Kh1 Nf2#. 36 Qc7+ Kh6 37 Ng4+ Bxg4 is best but still loses: 38 Qc1+ <38 Qc2 Ned2 followed by ... Rxh2#> Neg5 39 Qc2 <39 Qg1 Nxg1 40 Kxg1 Nh3+ 41 Kh1 Bf3#> Nd2 (<threatening 42 ... Bf3+ 43 Kg1 Nh3#. If 42 Be4 (or Bf1) Rf1+ 43 Kg2 Bh3#.) 44 Qxd2 (forced) Rxd2 mating in a few more moves. I include all this because of the remarkable variety of distinct mating patterns.
Sep-13-08   Dr. J: <Darth Stapler> I really like your handle. Please give my regards to your colleague Vlad the Inhaler.
Premium Chessgames Member
  kevin86: Black gives up his queen so that the remaining pieces can surround white's king-there is NOcontast after that.

Black threatens 36...Rxc2 37 Bxc2 Nf2#-vacating and re-occupying.

Of course,36 Qxf2 Nxf2#-a simple recapture

Sep-13-08   stacase: Thank you Dr. J

I certainly missed the mate in as you put it the prettiest line. But were it over the board and played out, I'd see it.

Premium Chessgames Member
  TheaN: 2/6

Took my glimps of the Saturday puzzle (I resigned Wedneday due to having a busy week), and I noticed White's threat of Ra7 and the clearance 'sac' of Nfxe4, although Bxe4 Rf1‡ so it isn't a sac. However, being comfortable about the position for Black, I thought Nf2† next had to win, missing the Rook jump completely.

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