Online chess instruction and games for kids

If you require any advice or help about running chess in your school we can help.

We have a panel of chess tutors waiting to help you.

We can provide a chess teacher to help you run your school chess club.

We can also run one-term beginners' courses within school time.

All our chess tutors have been subject to an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check (they will be able to provide you with a copy of the certificate if required) and are aware of our Child Protection Policy. They will also be able to provide references.

We also run the Richmond Schools Chess League and an annual Schools Tournament which attracts 250-300 children each year.

We recommend that the stronger players in your school club should join Richmond Junior Chess Club and take part in our individual junior tournaments.

chessKIDS academy, written and designed by Richard James, is ideal for broadcasting chess lessons to classes and chess clubs. All you need is an interactive whiteboard to give all the children in your school access to top quality chess tuition and much else. Visit us now to see how we can transform chess in your school.

If you'd like to discuss your requirements further please contact Richard James Phone 020 8898 0362/020 8898 1190 Email or Scott Kenyon Phone 07796 411452 Email