nib's Mapper Resource Center

The Mapper's Diary - Volume 4

Oct. 14th, 2002

Didn't do any mapping over the weekend due to friends being in town, basically drank beer and watched football all weekend. I did think about mapping though. :) I'm still not happy with the current rough layout I'm working on and I've been looking over the pictures I have (in addition to some other pics that Tunnleram from TramDesign pointed me to) and I just don't like my building. I'm basically going to scrap what I've done and start again...and so goes the life of the mapper. :)


Went back to the drawing board (or graph paper as the case may be) and did some more design work. While watching Monday Night Football I reworked my original layout. I've now got two buildings in the central area and a much better idea of the layout of the remainder of the map. I'll either work up a drawing or scan in my sketches tomorrow. Going to start doing some rough work on the layout in gtk now.

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